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1. The Universe2. Origin of the Universeroughly the same at any point of time. It did not have a beginning and did not have an end.Stages in Big Bang TheoryEvidences in Support of Big Bang Theory3. Galaxy3.1. Our Own Galaxy: The Milky Way4. Stars4.1. Birth and Evolution of a Star4.1.1. Formation of a Protostar4.1.2. Formation of a Star from Protostar4.1.3. Final Stages of a Star̛ s Life4.1.4. Formation of Supernova Star and Neutron Star5. Black HolesDark matter16. The Solar System6.1. Sun6.2. PlanetsIAU new definition of planetPlanets and dwarf planets of our solar system (Milky Way)6.3. Satellites (or Moons)Earth’s moon key points:Origin of Moon6.4. Asteroids6.5. Comets6.6. Meteors7. The Shape of the Earth7.1. Evidence of the Earth’s SphericityGoldilocks zone7.2. The Earth’s MovementOrigin of Life on Earth7.2.2. The Earth’s Revolution7.2.3. Varying Lengths of Day and Night7.2.5. Seasonal Changes and their Effects on Temperature7.2.6. Dawn and Twilight7.2.7. Eclipse7.2.7.2. Solar Eclipse8. The Geographical Grid- Latitude and Longitude8.1. Latitude8.2. LongitudeLatitude and Longitude8.3. Longitude and Time8.4. Standard Time and Time Zones9. Geological Time ScaleINTERIOR OF EARTH1. Introduction2. Sources of Information2.1. Direct Sources2.2. Indirect Sources3.2. The Mantle3.3. The CoreCONTINENTAL DRIFT AND PLATE TECTONICSTable 1 – Supercontinents through geologic historyFigure 1 - Supercontinents2. Continental Drift2.1. Continental Drift Theory of Alfred Wegener3. Post-Drift Studies3.1. Convection Current Theory3.2. Mapping of Ocean Floor3.3. Sea Floor Spreading4. Plate Tectonics4.1. Major and Minor Plates4.2. Movement of Plates4.3. Types of Boundaries4.4. Forces for the Plate Movement4.5. Objections to Plate Tectonics Theory5. Endogenic and Exogenic Forces5.1. Geomorphic Processes and Agents5.2. Endogenic Processes5.3. Exogenic Processes1. EarthquakesFigure 1: Hypocentre and Epicentre1.3. Depth of Earthquakes1.4. Measurement of Earthquakes2. Tsunami2.1. Causes2.2. Propagation2.3. Consequences2.4. Early Warning and Mitigation3. Volcanoes3.1. Vulcanicity3.2. Components of a Volcano3.3. Types of volcanoes3.4. Volcanic Landforms3.5. Distribution of Volcanoes3.7. Geysers3.8. Hot Springs3.9. FumarolesMOUNTAIN BUILDING ISLAND FORMATIONS AND HOTSPOTS1. Mountains1.1. Types of Mountains2. IslandsFig. 7 Residual Mountains2.2. Oceanic Islands3. Hotspots2ROCKS AND MINERALS1. Introduction2. Minerals2.1. Some Major Minerals and Their Characteristics3.1. Major Types of Rocks4. Rock CycleLANDFORMS AND THEIR EVOLUTION1. Introduction2. Landform and Landscape3. Causes4. Landforms and Scale: Crustal Orders of Relief5. Evolution of Landform6. Landform Classification17. Fluvial Landforms (Latin: Fluvius=River)7.1. Action of a River/Stream7.2. River rejuvenation7.4. Features of Overview8.2. Coastal erosion8.3. Erosional Features8.6. Coastlines of submergence8.7. Coastlines of Emergence9. Glacial LandformsEmergent lowland coastErosional work of glacier9.2. The landforms created by glacial erosion10.1. Mechanism of wind Action in deserts10.2. Erosional Landforms-Wind10.3. Depositional Landforms-wind10.4. Fluvial Desert Landforms11.1. Erosional landform11.2. Depositional Landforms12. Economic significance of karst regionsINDIA: PHYSICAL FORMATION, PHYSIOGRAPHY, DRAINAGE, STRUCTURE AND RELIEF AND BASICS OF SOILS1. India LocationFigure 1 – India in the worldFigure 2 – India: Extent and Standard Meridian1.2. Size1.3. India’s Administrative Division1.4. India and the World2. Physical Formation of India2.1. The Peninsular Block2.2. The Himalayas3.2. The Northern Plains3.3. The Peninsular Plateau3.4. The Indian Desert3.5. The Coastal Plains3.6. The Islands4. Drainage4.1. Drainage Pattern4.2. Drainage System of India4.3. The Himalayan Drainage System4.4. The Peninsular Drainage System4.5. Comparison Between Himalayan and Peninsular Rivers4.6. National River Linking Project4.7. National Waterways5. Soil5.1. Soil Properties5.2. Soil Horizons5.4. Soil Classification5.5. Soil Degradation5.6. Soil Erosion5.7. Soil ManagementCOMPOSITION AND STRUCTURE OF THE ATMOSPHERE1. Composition of the AtmosphereTable 1 – Average composition of dry air1.3. Dust Particles1.4. Changes in the Atmosphere2. Structure of the Atmosphere2.1. Troposphere2.3. Mesosphere2.4. Thermosphere2.5. ExosphereINSOLATION, EARTH’S HEAT BALANCE, DIFFERENT ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATIONS – GLOBAL WINDS, CYCLONES1. Insolation1.1. Factors Influencing Insolation1.2. Heating and Cooling of the Atmosphere2. Heat BudgetFigure 4 – Heat Budget of the EarthFigure 5 – heat energy budget by latitudes3. Temperature(a) – effect of altitude (b) – maritime influence Figure 6 – effect of altitude & distance from sea on temperatureFigure 8 – isotherms in the month of JanuaryFigure 9 – isotherms in the month of July3.3. Temperature Inversion3.4. Temperature Ranges4. Atmospheric Circulation4.1. Atmospheric Pressure4.2. Pressure Variations4.4. Geostrophic Wind4.5. Distribution of Pressure Belts4.7. General Circulation of the Atmosphere4.8. Local Winds4.9. Upper Air Circulation5. Air MassFigure 25 – Airmasses6. FrontsTable 3 – difference between frontogenesis and frontolysisFigure 26 – Fronts: (a) Warm front; (b) Cold front6.3. Stationary Front6.4. Occluded Front7.1. Extra-Tropical Cyclones7.2. Tropical CyclonesPRECIPITATION AND RELATED PHENOMENA1. Introduction2. Water vapour2.1. Importance of Water Vapour3. The Water Cycle4. Humidity4.1. Absolute Humidity4.2. Specific Humidity4.3. Relative Humidity5. Evaporation6. Condensation6.1. Latent Heat6.2. Saturated Air6.3. Hygroscopic Nuclei6.4. Dew point7. Dew8. Frost9. Fog9.1. Impact of Fog10. Mist11. Smog14. Clouds15. Types of Clouds15.1. Cirrus (Curl of Hair) Clouds15.2. Cumulus (Heap) Clouds15.3. Stratus (Layer) Clouds16. International Classification of Clouds17. Precipitation18. Necessary Conditions for RAINFALL19. Types of Rainfall19.1. Convectional Rainfall19.2. Orographic Rain19.3. Cyclonic or Frontal Rainfall20. Distribution of Precipitation20.1. Seasonal Distribution of Rainfall21. Prelims QuestionsCloudsOCEAN BASICS AND OCEAN RESOURCES1. Ocean Basics1.1. Relief of the Ocean Floor1.3. The Oceanic Deposits of the Ocean Floor1.4. Temperature2. Movements of Ocean Water2.1. Waves2.2. Tides2.3. Ocean Currents3. Ocean Resources3.1. Fishing3.2. Climate Buffer3.3. Phytoplankton3.4. Mining4. UPSC Questions Related to Above TopicsCORAL REEFS AND INDIAN OCEAN1. Coral Reefs1.1. Corals1.2. Zooxanthellae1.3. Coral Formation and Types2.1. Location of Coral Reefs2.3. Threats to Coral Reefs2.4. Coral Reefs in India3. Indian OceanFigure 4. Geography of Indian Ocean4. UPSC Questions Related to Above Topics1. India Climate – MonsoonCLIMATE OF INDIA1. Introduction1.1. Salient Features of Indian Climate2. Factors Determining the Climate of India2.1. Factors Related to Location and Relief2.2. Factors Related to Air Pressure and Wind2.3. Weather Conditions in Water2.4. Weather Conditions in the Summer Reason3. Indian Monsoon3.1. Thermal Concept3.2. Recent Concept about the Origin of Indian Monsoon3.3. Nature of Indian Monsoon3.4. Onset and Advance of Monsoon3.6. Break in the Monsoon3.7. Retreat of Monsoon3.9. Monsoons and the Economic Life in India4. SeasonsTable 1 – Different seasons of India with their characteristicsTable 2 – Indian seasonsTable 3 – Different rainfall regions of IndiaFigure 14 – India: variability of annual rainfallFigure 15 – India: Climatic regions according to Koeppen schemeAgro climatic zones of India: (Planning commission 1989)9. UPSC Previous Years’ Prelims Questions on ClimateCLIMATE AND DIFFERENT WORLD CLIMATE1. Introduction2. Climate & Weather2.1. Comparison between Weather and Climate2.3. Elements of Climate2.4. Factors Affecting Climate2.5. Classification of Climate3. Global Climate Classification3.1. The Hot, Wet Equatorial Climate3.2. The Tropical Monsoon and Tropical Marine Climates3.3. The Savannah or Sudan Climate3.4. The Hot Desert and Mid-latitude Desert Climates3.5. The Warm Temperate Western Margin (Mediterranean) Climate3.6. The Temperate Continental (Steppe) Climate3.7. The Warm Temperate Eastern Margin (China Type) Climate3.8. The Cool Temperate Western Margin (British Type) Climate3.9. The Cool Temperate Continental (Siberian) Climate3.10. The Cool Temperate Eastern Margin (Laurentian) Climate3.11. The Arctic or Polar Climate4. Mains Questions5. Prelims QuestionsAverage Temperature: 12.80CMISCELLANEOUS TOPICS LIKE EL NINO, LA NINA, ENSO, URBAN CLIMATE, APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, HEAT ISLAND ETC.1. El NiñoFigure 1 – El Nino conditions: Warm water pool approaches the South American coast. The absence of cold upwelling increases warming.Figure 2 – Normal Pacific pattern: Equatorial winds gather warm water pool toward the west.Figure 3 – global precipitation pattern during El NinoFigure 4 – global precipitation pattern during La Nina1.3. Walker Circulation1.4. El Niño & La Niña Modoki2. Urban Climate2.1. Urban Heat Island2.2. Atmospheric Pollution Over Cities2.3. Urban Climate and Global Climate Change3. MicroclimateForest regionsUrban regions4. Applied Climatology4.1. Climate and Natural Vegetation4.2. Climate and Agriculture4.3. Climate and Animal Husbandry4.4. Climate and Housing4.5. Air Pollution and Health4.6. Climate and Economy4.7. Climatic Adaptation5. UPSC Previous Years’ Mains Questions6. UPSC Previous Years’ Prelim QuestionsDIFFERENT TYPES OF IRRIGATION AND IRRIGATION SYSTEMS1. Irrigation and Benefits of IrrigationBenefits of irrigation2. Classification of Irrigation Schemes2.1. Based on Sources2.2. Based on Magnitude2.3. Based on Technique of Distribution of Water2.4. Based on the Way the Water is Applied2.5. On the Basis of Duration of the Applied2.6. Choice of Irrigation Method3. Efficiency4. Irrigation and National Water Policy5. Command Area Development and Water Management (CADWM)6. Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM)7. Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP)8. Repair, Renovation and Restoration of Water Bodies Scheme9. Virtual WaterFigure 8: Virtual water flows by the regionReferences:MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS LIKE EL NINO, LA NINA, ENSO, URBAN CLIMATE, APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, HEAT ISLAND ETC.1. Land Resources and Agriculture1.1. Land Use Categories1.2. Land-use Changes in India1.3. Agricultural Land Use in India1.4. Salient Features of Indian Agriculture1.5. Cropping Season in India1.6. Type of Farming (On Basis of Moisture for crops)1.8. Cropping Pattern51.9. Food grains1.10. Agricultural Development in India1.11. Government Steps to Enhance Agricultural Inputs1.12. Major Schemes/Programmes for the Agricultural Sector1.13. Problems of Indian Agriculture1.14. UPSC Questions CoveredDISTRIBUTION OF KEY NATURAL RESOURCES ACROSS THE WORLD (INCLUDING SOUTH ASIA AND THE INDIAN SUB-CONTINENT1. Introduction1.1. Uneven Distribution of Resources2. Classification of ResourcesFigure 1: Classification of ResourcesFigure 2: Global share of recoverable coal reservesTable 1 – Distribution of coal across continentsTable 2: Estimations for different types of coal based on formationTable 3: Gondwana coalfields3.2. Petroleum3.3. Natural Gas3.4. India – Petroleum – Petroleum and Natural Gas3.5. NuclearMINERAL RESOURCES & MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES1. Mineral and Energy Resources1.1. Types of Mineral Resources1.2. Distribution of Minerals in India1.3. Ferrous Minerals1.4. Non-Ferrous Minerals1.5. Non- Metallic Minerals1.6. Atomic Minerals2. Energy Resources2.1. Conventional Energy Sources2.2. Non Conventional Energy Sources2.3. Conservation of Natural Resources3. Manufacturing Industries3.1. Types of Industries3.2. Location of Industries3.3. Major Industries3.4. Liberalisation, Privatisation, Globalisation (LPG) and Industrial Development in India3.5. Industrial Regions4. SourcesTRANSPORT & COMMUNICATION AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE1. Transport1.1. Land Transport1.2. Water Transport1.3. Air Transport1.4. Pipeline Transport2. Communication2.1. Personal Communication System2.2. Mass Communication System3. International Trade3.3. Types of International Trade3.4. International Pattern of Trade3.5. Regional Trade Blocs and World Trade Organisation (WTO)3.7. Concerns Related to International Trade3.8. Limitations of International Trade3.9. India’s Foreign Trade3.10. Challenges in International Trade for India4. SourcesLOCATION OF INDUSTRIES1. Factors affecting Location of Industries1.1. Access to Market1.2. Access to Raw Material1.3. Access to Labour Supply1.4. Access to Sources of Energy1.5. Access to Transportation and Communication Facilities1.6. Government Policy1.7. Access to Agglomeration Economies/Links Between Industries1.8. Other Miscellaneous Factors2.1. Hunting and Gathering2.2. Pastoralism or Animal Rearing2.4. Mining3. Manufacturing Activities3.1. Iron and Steel Industry3.2. Chemical Industry with Special Reference to Petro-chemicals3.3. Textile Industry1. Human Development1.1. Concept of Development and Indian aspects1.2. Measuring Human Development1.3. Other Multi-dimensional measures of Human Development1.5. India Human Development Report 20111.6. Planning and DevelopmentAGRICULTURE MARKETING, TRANSPORATION AND TECHNOLOGY1. Agricultural Marketing: Issues and Related Constraints1.1. Introduction1.2. Characteristics of Agricultural Product1.3. Importance and Objectives of Agricultural Marketing1.4. Facilities Needed for Farmer in Marketing1.5. Methods of Sale and Marketing Agencies1.6. Existing Systems of Agricultural Marketing in India1.7. Ideal Marketing System1.8. Principles of Scientific Marketing for Farmers1.9. Impact of Globalization: Contract Marketing1.10. Government Measures to Improve Agricultural Marketing1.11. Problems in Agricultural Marketing1.12. Suggestions to Improve Agricultural Marketing1.13. Conclusion2. Agricultural Transportation: Issues and Related Constraints2.1. Introduction2.2. Role of Intermediate Means of Transport in Agriculture2.3. Effect of Markets and Storage Facilities on Agricultural Transportation2.4. Transportation Cost of Agricultural Produce and Farmer's Income2.5. Transportation Problems and Road Network2.6. Problems of Road Transport in India2.7. Special Problems in the Construction of Rural Roads2.8. Measures Taken for Improving Rural Road Infrastructure by Government2.9. Suggestions for Better Rural Road Network2.10. Conclusion3. e-Agriculture: e-Technology in The Aid of Farmers3.1. Introduction3.2. Information Technology and its Components3.3. Role of IT in Agriculture3.4. E-Agriculture Ecosystem3.5. ICT Initiatives for Agricultural Development in India by Various Agencies3.6. Case Studies3.7. IT and Indian Agriculture in the Future3.8. Constraints and Remedies for Effective Dissemination3.9. Conclusion