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1. Which one of the following statements is correct?

(a) Circus clouds are composed office crystals

(b) Cirrus clouds exhibit a flat base and have the appearance of rising domes

(c) Cumulus clouds are white and thin and form delicate patches and give a fibrous and feathery appearance

(d) Cumulus clouds are classified as high clouds. (2004)

2. Sun’s halo is produced by the refraction of light in

(a) Water vapour in Stratus clouds

(b) Ice crystals in Cirro-Cumulus clouds

(c) Ice crystals in Cirrus clouds

(d) Dust particles in Stratus clouds (2004) Precipitation: Distribution

3. "Assertion (A): Bangalore received much higher average rainfall than that of Mangalore.

Reason (R): Bangalore has the benefit of receiving rainfall both from south – west and north – east monsoons." (2004)

4. "Assertion (A): The eastern coast of India produces more rice than the western coast.

Reason (R): The eastern coast receives more rainfall than the western coast." (2003)
