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4.2. Drainage System of India

The drainage systems of India are mainly controlled by the broad relief features of the subcontinent. Indian drainage system may be divided on various bases. On the basis of discharge of water (orientations to the sea), it may be grouped into: (i) the Arabian Sea drainage; and (ii) the Bay of Bengal drainage. They are separated from each other through the Delhi ridge, the Aravalis and the Sahyadris (water divide is shown by a line in Figure 17).Many rivers have their sources in the Himalayas and discharge their waters in the Bay of Bengal except Indus river system which discharge into Arabian Sea. Ganga, Yamuna, Gandak, Tista and Brahmaputra rivers are major example of it.


Figure 17 – Water divide between east flowing and west flowing riversFigure 18 – Major river Basins of India