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4. Atmospheric Circulation

Varying amount of insolation received by the earth causes differential heating of the earth and its atmosphere. Temperature difference thus produced account for the density differences in the air. Air expands when heated and gets compressed when cooled. This results in variations in the atmospheric pressure. The result is that it causes the movement of air from high pressure to low pressure, setting the air in three-dimensional motion on global scale. Air in horizontal motion is wind. Atmospheric pressure also determines when the air will rise or sink. The wind redistributes the heat and moisture across the planet, thereby, maintaining a constant temperature for the planet as a whole. The vertical rising of moist air cools it down to form the clouds and bring precipitation. There is, in fact, an intimate relationship between winds and pressure, and knowledge of pressure variations is a prerequisite to understanding air motion.


4.1. Atmospheric Pressure4.2. Pressure VariationsFigure 13 – Distribution of pressure (in mb) for January month4.3.2. Coriolis ForceFigure 15 – forces governing air movement4.3.3. Centripetal Force4.3.4. Frictional Force4.4. Geostrophic WindFigure 16 – forces governing air movement: (a) geostrophic balance between pressure gradient and Coriolis force; (b) the additional effect of frictional force on surface wind4.5. Distribution of Pressure BeltsFigure 17 – (a) global pressure belts and (b) shifting of pressure belts4.7. General Circulation of the Atmosphere4.7.1. Planetary WindsFigure 18 – Planetary winds4.8. Local Winds4.8.1. The Land and Sea BreezesFigure 19 – Sea and Land Breezes4.8.3. Hot Local WindsFigure 20 – mountain and valley breezes4.8.4. Cold Local Winds4.9. Upper Air CirculationFigure 21 – different vertical temperature gradients in the two columns create an increasing pressure gradient.Figure 22 – jet streams: (a) maximum speed at centre; (b) Polar and subtropical jetstreams in both hemispheres; (c) cross-sectional view of jet streamsThe polar front jet streamFigure 23 – origin of the Polar front Jet stream at polar front zone Sub-tropical jet streamConsequence of Jet Stream