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Figure 23 – origin of the Polar front Jet stream at polar front zone Sub-tropical jet stream

It runs between 250 and 300 latitudes in both the hemispheres.

It blows constantly

Its speed is comparatively lower than polar jet streams

The air currents arising near about the equator descend at 300 N and S latitudes. A part of these air currents takes the form of Sub Tropical Jet streams.

It swings to the north of Himalayas in summer in North India.

Eastern Tropical Jet Stream

It is a seasonal Jet Stream.

It blows between equator and 200N latitude at the time of South-West Monsoon in summer over south-east Asia, India and Africa.

Its direction is opposite to that of other two jet streams. It runs in eastern direction.

It is located comparatively at higher height between 14km and 16km

Its speed is around 180 km per hour.