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8.3. Longitude and Time

Local time: Since the Earth makes one complete revolution of 360° in one day or 24 hours, it passes through 15° in one hour or 1° in 4 minutes. The earth rotates from west to east, so every 15° we go eastward, local time is advanced by 1 hour. Conversely, if we go westwards, local time is retarded by 1 hour. We may thus conclude that places east of Greenwich see the dun earlier and gain time, whereas places west of Greenwich see the sun later and lose time. If we know G.M.T., to find local time, we merely have to add or subtract the difference in the number of hours from the given longitude, as illustrated below. A simple memory aid for this will be East- Gain-Add (E.G.A.) and West-Lose-Subtract (W.L.S.). You could coin your own rhymes for the abbreviations. Hence when it is noon, in London (Longitude 0°5W.), the local time for Chennai (80°E.) will be 5 hours 20 minutes ahead of London or 5.20 p.m. but the local time for New York (74°W.) will be 4 hours 56 minutes behind London or 7.04 a.m.