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9. Geological Time Scale

The earth is believed to be 4.5 billion years old. The 4.5 billion year long history of the earth is divided into four era - Pre-Cambrian, Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and Calnozoic. Pre-Cambrian has been the longest era in the earth’s history and it continued from the origin of earth to about 600 million year ago from today. The eras are divided into periods, and the periods are divided in to epochs. A brief account of the geological history of the earth is given in the following table:





Age/Years Before Present

Life/ Major Events

Cainozoic (From 65 million years to the present times)


Holocene Pleistocene

♤ - 10,000

10,000 - 2 million

Modern Man Homo Sapiens


Pliocene Miocene Oligocene Eocene Palaeocene

2 - 5 million

5 - 24 million

24 - 37 Ma

37 - 58 Million

57 - 65 Million

Early Human Ancestor Ape: Flowering Plants and Trees, Anthropoid Ape Rabbits and Hare Small Mammals : Rats – Mice

Mesozoic 65 - 245

Million Mammals

Cretaceous Jurassic Triassic

65 - 144 Million

144 - 208 Million

208 - 245 Million

Extinction of Dinosaurs Age of Dinosaurs Frogs and turtles


245 - 570



Carboniferous Devonian Silurian Ordovician Cambrian

245 - 286 Million

286 - 360 Million

360 - 408 Million

408 - 438 Million

438 - 505 Million

505 - 570 Million

Reptile dominate-replace


First Reptiles: Vertebrates: Coal beds Amphibians, First trace of life on land: Plants, First Fish

No terrestrial Life: Marine Invertebrate

Proterozoic Archean


Pre- Cambrian 570 Million

- 4,800


570 - 2,500 Million

2,500 - 3,800 Million

3,800 - 4,800 Million

Soft-bodied arthropods Blue green Algae:

Unicellular bacteria Oceans and Continents form – Ocean and Atmosphere are rich in Carbon dioxide

Origin of Stars

Supernova Big Bang

5,000 -



5,000 Million

12,000 Million

13,700 Million

Origin of the sun Origin of the universe


1. Gliese 581g (UPSC 2011/2 Marks)

2. What does the solar system consists of? Discuss the motion of the entire solar system as a whole and also the motion of most of the bodies forming the solar system. (UPSC 2003/ 15 Marks)

3. What is the difference between a comet and a meteor? (UPSC 1997/3 Marks)

4. Why does a lunar eclipse occur only on a full moon? (UPSC 1996/3 Marks)

5. What is a leap second? (UPSC 1992/3 Marks)

6. What is ‘Chandrashekhar limit’? (UPSC 1985/3 Marks)

7. Astronomers have, of late, been discussing ‘black hole.’ What is a ‘black hole’?(UPSC

1979/3 Marks)

8. What is the ‘diamond ring effect’ observed during a total solar eclipse? How is it caused? (UPSC 1979/3 Marks)
