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3.5. Industrial Regions

Industries are distributed unevenly in India because the factors affecting industrial locations are not the same everywhere. Industries tend to concentrate in few pockets because of certain favourable factors. These pockets of high concentration of industries are known as industrial regions. Several indices are used to identify the clustering of industries, important among them are : (i) the number of industrial units, (ii) number of industrial workers, (iii) quantum of power used for industrial purposes, (iv) total industrial output, and (v) value added manufacturing, etc. Industrial regions have been classified into three categories: Major Industrial region is identified on the basis of a minimum daily factory working force of 1.5 lakh; Minor industrial region must have a minimum working force of 25000 labours; industrial district has a working labour force of less than 25000.

Following are the eight major industrial regions of India:


1. Mumbai-Pune Industrial Region:Advantages and Factors of Development:2. Hugli Industrial Region:Advantages and Factors of Development3. Bangalore-Chennai Industrial Region:Advantages and Factors of Development4. Gujarat Industrial Region:Advantages and Factors of Development5. Chhotanagpur Region:Advantages and Factors of Development6. Vishakhapatnam-Guntur Region:Facilities available and Reasons for Development7. Gurgaon-Delhi-Meerut Region:Facilities Available and Reason for Development8. Kollam-Tiruvanantapuram Region:Facilities Available and Reasons for Development