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Facilities available and Reasons for Development

(i) Raw materials: This area is also agriculturally prosperous. The raw materials like sugar cane, cotton and jute are locally available. Iron ore is available nearby from Bailadila mines and bauxite reserves are also found in the area. Limestone is also available locally,

(ii) Power resources: Coal available from Godavari valley and power generated from coal is also available in the region. The benefit of oil and natural gas reserves in Krishna-Godavari basin also accrue to this region.

(iii) Port facilities: For import and export trade port facilities are available at Vishakhapatnam and Machilipatnam. It also takes advantage of Chennai and a new port at Ennore.

(iv) Water: The surface water of Krishna and Godavari rivers and coastal waters as well as groundwater in coastal areas is adequately available to industries in the region.

(v) Capital and banking: Finance and banking facilities are available from Vishakhapatnam, Vijayawada and other cities.

(vi) Transport: A network of railways and road transport is found in the area. Many principal railway routes and national highways pass through the region. In this industrial region density of population is also high. There is thus no shortage of labour. There are many higher technical institutions in the cities of Andhra Pradesh. Therefore, trained engineers and workers are also available.

(vii) Major industries: In this region chiefly the following industries have developed petrochemicals, sugar, cotton clothes, jute, paper, fertilisers, cement, aluminium, iron and steel, lead, zinc smelting, etc.

(viii) Chief industrial centres: The chief industrial centres of the region are Vishakhapatnam, Vijayawada, Vijayanagar, Rajahmundri, Guntur, Eeuru, and Kurnool.