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Facilities Available and Reason for Development

(i) Raw materials: This region is away from mining and power resources region. It is, however, agriculturally prosperous region. Sugar cane is the chief crop. It supplies raw materials to a large

number of sugar mills in the area. The region is also well developed in milk production.

(ii) Power resources: Two main sources are hydel and thermal power. There are many thermal power stations in the region. It gets electricity from Northern Grid of Bhakra-Nangal project.

(iii) Transport: There is a vast rail-road network in the region. There are no problems in respect of availability of raw materials, labour, capital and other facilities.

(iv) Labour: There is no shortage of trained and skilled labour because of the existence of a large number of educational and training institutions in the area.

(v) Principal industries: The industries manufacturing light engineering and consumer durables are found in the area. Chief industries are cotton, woollen and silk mills, instruments and tools, tractors, cycles and car manufacturing units, electronics and vegetable oils, electrical instruments, domestic appliances, agricultural tools, etc. Software and hardware and glass industries are also found. There are also two large oil refineries at Panipat and Mathura in this region.