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4. UPSC Questions Related to Above Topics

1. ‘Temperature, salinity and density differences in ocean water are the prime causes of ocean

water circulation.’ Elaborate. (Geography Mains – 2011, 30 marks)

2. Write short notes on ocean deposits. (Geography Mains – 2010, 15 marks)

3. Write short notes on Ocean Currents of the North Atlantic Ocean.(Geography Mains- 2007, 200 words)

4. Present a concise account of bottom relief of the Indian Ocean. (Geography Mains 2003)

5. Give a reasoned account of the distribution of salinity in the oceans and partially enclosed seas. (Geography Mains 1994)

6. Discuss the features of Gulf Stream. (IFoS-2011)

7. The major fishing grounds of the world are located in areas where cool and warm currents converge. Discuss. (IFoS-2011)

8. Give an account of oceanic mineral resources. (IFoS-2010)

9. List the processes that initiate ocean currents and influence their speed and direction. (IFoS-2009)

10. Distinguish between continental crust and continental rise. (IFoS – 2009)

11. What are ocean currents? State the uses of ocean currents. (IFoS – 2005)
