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1. Introduction 2

1.1. Salient Features of Indian Climate 2

2. Factors Determining the Climate of India 3

2.1. Factors Related to Location and Relief 3

2.2. Factors Related to Air Pressure and Wind 4

2.3. Weather Conditions in Water 4

2.4. Weather Conditions in the Summer Reason 5

3. Indian Monsoon 7

3.1. Thermal Concept 7

3.2. Recent Concept about the Origin of Indian Monsoon 7

3.2.1. Role of Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau 8

3.2.2. Role of Jet Stream 8

3.2.3. Role of ENSO 8

3.2.4. Walker Cell 9

3.2.5. Indian Ocean Dipole 10

3.3. Nature of Indian Monsoon 10

3.4. Onset and Advance of Monsoon 10

3.5. Rain Bearing Systems and Distribution of Rainfall 11

3.6. Break in the Monsoon 13

3.7. Retreat of Monsoon 13

3.8. Features of Monsoon Rainfall 14

3.9. Monsoons and the Economic Life in India 14

4. Seasons 15

4.1. Traditional Indian Seasons 16

5. Distribution of Annual Rainfall 16

6. Variability of Annual Rainfall 17

7. Climatic Regions of India 18

7.1. Agro Climatic Zones of India 20

8. UPSC Previous Years’ Mains Questions on Climate 21

9. UPSC Previous Years’ Prelims Questions on Climate 22


1. Introduction1.1. Salient Features of Indian Climate2. Factors Determining the Climate of India2.1. Factors Related to Location and Relief2.2. Factors Related to Air Pressure and Wind2.3. Weather Conditions in WaterFigure 1 – Winter Monsoon: Surface WindsFigure 2 - Direction of Winds in India in winter at the Height of 9-13 km2.4. Weather Conditions in the Summer ReasonFigure 3 – position of Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) in the month of January and JulyFigure 5 – The direction of winds at upper atmosphere in summer season3. Indian Monsoon3.1. Thermal Concept3.2. Recent Concept about the Origin of Indian Monsoon3.2.1. Role of Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau3.2.3. Role of ENSO3.2.4. Walker Cell3.3. Nature of Indian Monsoon3.4. Onset and Advance of MonsoonFigure 10 – India: Normal dates of Onset of the Southwest MonsoonFigure 11 – Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal branches of Southwest Monsoon3.6. Break in the Monsoon3.7. Retreat of MonsoonFigure 12 – India: Normal dates of withdrawal of the Southwest Monsoon3.9. Monsoons and the Economic Life in India4. SeasonsTable 1 – Different seasons of India with their characteristicsTable 2 – Indian seasonsTable 3 – Different rainfall regions of IndiaFigure 14 – India: variability of annual rainfallFigure 15 – India: Climatic regions according to Koeppen schemeAgro climatic zones of India: (Planning commission 1989)9. UPSC Previous Years’ Prelims Questions on Climate