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1. Introduction

Climate is an important element of the physical environment of mankind. It is the aggregate of atmospheric conditions involving heat, moisture and air movement. In a developing country like India climatic characteristics have a dominant role in affecting the economic pattern, way of life, mode of living, food preferences, costumes and even the behavioural responses of the people. In India despite a lot of scientific and technological developments our dependence on monsoon rainfall for carrying out successful agricultural activities, has not been minimized.

The climate of India belongs to the ‘tropical monsoon type’ indicating the impact of its location in tropical belt and the monsoon winds. Although a sizeable part of the country lying north of the Tropic of Cancer falls in the northern temperate zone but the shutting effects of the Himalayas and the existence of the Indian Ocean in the south have played significant role in giving India a distinctive climatic characteristics.


1.1. Salient Features of Indian Climate