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3.2. Recent Concept about the Origin of Indian Monsoon

After world war second, the upper atmospheric circulation has been studied significantly. It is now believed that the differential heating of sea and land alone can’t produce the monsoon circulation. Apart from it, recent concept of monsoon rely heavily on the role of

Himalayas and Tibetan plateau as a physical barrier and a source of high-level heat.

Circulation of upper air jet streams in the troposphere.

Existence of upper air circum-polar whirl over north and south poles in the troposphere.

The occurrence of ENSO (El-Nino and Southern Oscillation) in the South Pacific ocean

Walker cell in Indian Ocean.

Indian Ocean Dipole


3.2.1. Role of Himalayas and Tibetan PlateauFigure 6 – Tibet anti-cyclone and Easterly Jet stream3.2.3. Role of ENSO3.2.4. Walker CellFigure 7 – Somali currentFigure 8 – walker cell and Indian MonsoonFigure 9 – Indian Ocean Dipole