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2. Energy Resources

Depending upon its source and utilization, energy can be divided into two major classifications viz. (i) Traditional or non-commercial, and (ii) Commercial Energy. Examples of non-commercial energy resources are firewood, charcoal, cow dung and agricultural wastes. The commercial sources of energy comprise coal, oil, natural gas, hydro-electricity, natural gas, nuclear power as well as wind and solar power.

Another important classification based on the nature of energy is conventional energy source

and non-conventional energy source. Coal, Petroleum, Natural Gas and electricity are the main sources of conventional energy while solar, wind, tidal, geothermal etc are example of non- conventional source of energy.


2.1. Conventional Energy Sources2.1.1. Coal2.1.2. PetroleumImportant Pipelines in India:2.1.3. Natural Gas2.2. Non Conventional Energy Sources2.2.1 Solar Energy2.2.2. Wind Energy2.2.3. Tidal and Wave Energy2.2.4. Geothermal Energy2.2.5. Bio-energy2.3. Conservation of Natural Resources