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1.8. Other Miscellaneous Factors

Some other factors are crucial for the location of certain industries, for example, the cotton mills were established earlier in the hinterland of Bombay because coastal location provided high humidity in the air. It prevented the yarn from breaking. Now it is possible to maintain the required amount of humidity in the mills with technological intervention. It is therefore, possible to establish spinning mills away from the coast.

Water is an important factor in industrial location. It is required in large quantities in cotton textile industry for bleaching and in Iron and steel industry for cooling. It is possible, now, to carry water from one place to the other through pipelines. In certain situations the demand of water is so large that it cannot be met through transportation of water and such establishments are taken to the sources of water such as nuclear reactors.

The location of some industries is decided by institutional factors like historical, social and political decisions. Location of industries in backward regions in order to reduce economic

disparity and shifting of industries to the interior parts of a country due to strategic reasons during war are examples of institutional decisions in the location of industries.


So, the location of modem industries is not guided by a single factor due to its complex nature. All aspects have to be considered and analysed before deciding location of industries.