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2. Classification of Irrigation Schemes

Due to difference in topology, water availability, land availability, feasibility of technology etc., different irrigation technologies exist in the world. Irrigation system is classified under various schemes as discussed below:


2.1. Based on Sources2.1.1. Well and Tube-Wells2.1.2. CanalFigure 1: Net Area under irrigation by sources (2009-10)2.1.3. TankFigure 2: India – Source of irrigation2.2. Based on Magnitude2.2.1. Major and Medium vis-à-vis Minor Irrigation Projects2.3. Based on Technique of Distribution of WaterFigure 3: Basin irrigation Figure 4: Furrow irrigation using siphon tubesFigure 5: Drip Irrigation systemFigure 6: Sprinkler irrigation Figure 7: Travelling Sprinkler irrigation2.4. Based on the Way the Water is Applied2.5. On the Basis of Duration of the Applied2.6. Choice of Irrigation MethodTable 1: Irrigation method for different crops