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1.2. Water Transport

Man has been using water transport since ancient times. Waterways were being used mainly for transporting goods for the last few years. But now, big passenger ships are moving from one corner of the world to another with the load of thousands of tourists. Water transport is the cheapest as compared to other means of transport because no cost is involved in constructing the roads or on their maintenance. Waterways are highly suitable for heavy and bulky materials. Waterways are of two types: (i) Inland Waterways, and (ii) Ocean Waterways.


1.2.1. Inland Waterways1.2.1.2. Advantages of Inland Waterways1.2.1.3. Limitations of Inland Waterways1.2.1.4. Distribution of Inland Waterways in the World1.2.1.5. Distribution of Inland Waterways in IndiaNational Waterway-3:National Waterway- 4:National Waterway-5:National Waterway-6: Main Ocean Routes of the WorldList of Important Shipping Canals in the World1.2.3. Major Ports in India1.2.4. Types of Port1.2.5. Types of port on the basis of location1.2.6. Types of port on the basis of specialised functions