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1.2.1. Inland Waterways

The rivers, lakes and canal used for transporting goods or people are called inland waterways. The inland waterways were very important before the invention of trains and motor vehicles. They were very much in use for transporting passengers and goods. But, rail routes and roads have reduced their importance to some extent. Necessary Conditions for Inland Waterways

The following are the necessary conditions which need to be met for successful inland water transport in the country.

1) Rivers should be perennial or water should flow in sufficient quantity throughout the year. Seasonal rivers are unsuitable for navigation.

2) Water transport cannot take place in river having rapids or waterfalls.

3) The water in rivers, lakes and canals should not freeze during winter season.

4) Soil or sand should not be deposited on the mouth of rivers. The deposition of sand or soil reduces the depth of water.

5) The course of rivers should not be full of curves. These curves increase the time of transportation.

6) Rivers should not change their courses during floods.