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1. Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are some of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. Thousands of species rely on reefs for survival. Thousands of communities all over the world also depend on coral reefs for food, protection and jobs.

A reef is a strip or ridge of rocks, sand, or coral that rises to or near the surface of a body of water. The best-known reefs are the coral reefs developed through biotic processes dominated by corals and calcareous algae.


1.1. Corals1.1.1. Types of Corals1.2. Zooxanthellae1.3. Coral Formation and TypesFigure 1. Types of Coral Reefs2.1. Location of Coral ReefsFigure 2. Global distribution of Coral Reefs2.3. Threats to Coral Reefs2.3.1. Climate Change2.3.2. Unsustainable Fishing2.3.3. Pollution2.4. Coral Reefs in IndiaFigure 3. Coral Reefs of India