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5. Soil

Soil constitutes a major element in the natural environment, linking climate and vegetation, and they have a profound effect on man’s activities through their relative fertility. It is a valuable resource and the most important layer of the earth’s crust. Soils are very much dynamic entities in which physical, chemical and biological activities are continually taking place.


5.1. Soil PropertiesFigure 22 – soil texture and structure5.2. Soil HorizonsFigure 23 – cross section of Soil profile along a treeParent MaterialTopographyClimateBiological ActivityTime5.4. Soil Classification5.4.1. Soil Classification in IndiaFigure 24 – Major Soil types of India5.5. Soil Degradation5.6. Soil ErosionFigure 25 – Gully erosion5.7. Soil ManagementFigure 26 – soil management techniques