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3. Manufacturing Industries

Manufacturing is the processing of primary products into more refined and more usable products. Many of the natural products cannot be used directly without processing. It is because of this reason that we manufacture cloth from cotton, sugar from sugarcane, paper from wood pulp etc. By doing so, we make the primary products more valuable and usable. Thus, manufacturing means transformation of natural material endowments into commodities of utility by processing, assembling and repairing.


3.1. Types of Industries3.2. Location of Industries3.2.1. Geographical Factors3.2.2. Non – Geographical Factors3.3. Major Industries3.3.1. Iron & Steel Industry3.3.2. Cotton textile Industry3.3.3. Sugar Industry3.3.4. Petrochemical Industries3.3.5. Machine Tools3.3.6. Automobile Industry3.3.7. Electronic Industry3.3.8. Knowledge based Industries3.4. Liberalisation, Privatisation, Globalisation (LPG) and Industrial Development in India3.5. Industrial Regions1. Mumbai-Pune Industrial Region:Advantages and Factors of Development:2. Hugli Industrial Region:Advantages and Factors of Development3. Bangalore-Chennai Industrial Region:Advantages and Factors of Development4. Gujarat Industrial Region:Advantages and Factors of Development5. Chhotanagpur Region:Advantages and Factors of Development6. Vishakhapatnam-Guntur Region:Facilities available and Reasons for Development7. Gurgaon-Delhi-Meerut Region:Facilities Available and Reason for Development8. Kollam-Tiruvanantapuram Region:Facilities Available and Reasons for Development