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9. Glacial Landforms


Emergent lowland coastErosional work of glacier9.2. The landforms created by glacial erosion9.1.1. Cirque (or Corrie)9.1.2. Arete9.1.3. Pyramidal Peaks9.1.4. Tarn9.1.5. BergschrundCirque, arete and pyramidal peakFigure no.2- Bergschrund9.1.7. Hanging Valley9.1.8. Truncated spursGlacial Erosional Landforms9.1.9. Paternoster lakes9.1.10. Roche Moutonnee9.2.1. Boulder clay or glacial till9.2.2. Outwash deposits9.2.3. Erratics9.2.4. MorainesDifferent types of moraine9.2.5. Outwash plain and Kettles9.2.6. Kames9.2.7. Eskers9.2.8. DrumlinsGlacio-Fluvial Deposits10.1. Mechanism of wind Action in deserts10.2. Erosional Landforms-Wind10.2.1. Ventifacts or Dreikanter10.2.3. Rock Pedestals or Mushroom Rocks10.2.5. Zeugens10.2.6. Mesas and Buttes10.2.7. Inselbergs10.3. Depositional Landforms-wind10.3.1. Loess10.4. Fluvial Desert Landforms10.4.1. Wadis10.4.2. Pediments10.4.3. Bahada (Bajada)10.4.4. Playas11.1. Erosional landform11.1.1. Sink Holes, Swallow Holes, Dolines and Uvalas/valley sink11.1.2. Lapies11.1.3. Caves11.2. Depositional Landforms11.2.1. Stalactites and Stalagmites