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1.9. Food grains

Food grains are the dominant crop in all parts of the country whether it is subsistence or commercial agricultural economy. On the basis of the structure of grain, the food grains can be classified as cereals and pulses.


1.9.1. Cereals1.9.1.2. Wheat1.9.1.3. Jowar (Sorghum) Bajra1.9.1.5. Maize1.9.1.6. Pulses1.9.1.7. Gram1.9.2. Oilseeds1.9.2.1. Groundnut1.9.2.2. Rapeseed and Mustard1.9.2.3. Other Oilseeds1.9.3. Cash Crops1.9.3.2. Jute1.9.3.3. Sugarcane1.9.3.4. Tea1.9.3.5. Coffee