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1. Transport

Transport provides services of carrying men and materials from one place to another. It links all the spheres of earth, land, air and water. Development of cheap and efficient means of transport is necessary for the progress of a country. Transport routes serve as basic economic arteries of the country and provide important link between production and consumption. Density of transport network and its modernity is the index of economic development of any country.

Transport system can be broadly classified into four distinct ways i.e. land transport, water transport, air transport and pipeline transport. Land transport can be taken by man himself or through animal transport, road transport or rail transport. Water transport can be classified in inland transport systems and oceanic waterway transport systems.


1.1. Land Transport1.1.1. Road Transport1.1.1.2. Distribution of Roads in the World1.1.1.3. Distribution of Roads in India1.1.1.4. Road Density1.1.1.5. Problems of Road Transport1.1.2.1. Advantages of Rail Transport1.1.2.2. Limitations of Rail Transport1.1.2.3. Distribution of Railways in the World1.1.2.4. Distribution of Railways in India1.1.2.5. Problems of Railways in India1.2. Water Transport1.2.1. Inland Waterways1.2.1.2. Advantages of Inland Waterways1.2.1.3. Limitations of Inland Waterways1.2.1.4. Distribution of Inland Waterways in the World1.2.1.5. Distribution of Inland Waterways in IndiaNational Waterway-3:National Waterway- 4:National Waterway-5:National Waterway-6: Main Ocean Routes of the WorldList of Important Shipping Canals in the World1.2.3. Major Ports in India1.2.4. Types of Port1.2.5. Types of port on the basis of location1.2.6. Types of port on the basis of specialised functions1.3. Air Transport1.3.1. Important Air Routes of the World1.3.2. Air Transport in India1.4. Pipeline Transport1.4.1. Advantages of Pipeline Transport1.4.2. Limitations of Pipeline Transport1.4.3. Distribution of Pipelines in the World1.4.4. Pipeline Transport in India