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1.1. Land Transport

Man has been using footpaths for transport since prehistorical times. After the invention of wheel, when manmade carts, driven by oxen, horse and camel and made use of unsurfaced roads; with the invention of steam engine need was felt for providing rail lines. First such rail line was, perhaps, from Stockton and Darlington in northern England opened in 1825. Soon the first public railway system became very popular as it was very convenient and fastest mode of transport. The networks of road and rail transport threw open remote interior parts of continents to human settlements, grain farming and industrialisation.


1.1.1. Road Transport1.1.1.2. Distribution of Roads in the World1.1.1.3. Distribution of Roads in India1.1.1.4. Road Density1.1.1.5. Problems of Road Transport1.1.2.1. Advantages of Rail Transport1.1.2.2. Limitations of Rail Transport1.1.2.3. Distribution of Railways in the World1.1.2.4. Distribution of Railways in India1.1.2.5. Problems of Railways in India