< Previous | Contents | Next > Advantages of Rail Transport

The major advantages of the rail transport are as follows:

1) It is a cheap means of transport for long distance journeys of people and goods.

2) It is a fast transport for long distances.

3) Due to development of new technology in railway lines, wagons and coaches, engines and operation system, the speed of trains has become more than 300 km per hour. The fast running trains are in vogue in Japan, France and Germany.

4) On account of air-conditioned coaches, excellent arrangement in sleeper coaches and catering travel by trains has become very comfortable.

5) Trains transport heavy and bulky goods over long distances.

6) Trains are convenient mode of transport for sending agro-products to consumers and raw materials to factories.

7) After introduction of big containers, trains and trucks together help the goods to reach at the doorstep of the consumers.

8) Provision of container services has considerably reduced expenses on packing, loading and unloading.

9) Perishable goods are transported in refrigerated wagons.

10) Railways contribute greatly to economic development of a region.