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1. Transport 151

1.1. Land Transport 151

1.1.1. Road Transport 151

1.1.2. Rail Transport 159

1.2. Water Transport 162

1.2.1. Inland Waterways 162

1.2.2. Oceanic Routes 166

1.3. Air Transport 172

1.3.1. Important Air Routes of the World 172

1.3.2. Air Transport in India 172

1.4. Pipeline Transport 173

1.4.1. Advantages of Pipeline Transport 173

1.4.2. Limitations of Pipeline Transport 173

1.4.3. Distribution of Pipelines in the World 173

1.4.4. Pipeline Transport in India 174

2. Communication 174

2.1. Personal Communication System 175

2.2. Mass Communication System 175

2.2.1. Radio 175

2.2.2. Television (T.V.) 175

2.2.3. Satellite Communication 176

3. International Trade 177

3.1. Factors influencing International Trade 178

3.2. Components of International Trade 179

3.3. Types of International Trade 180

3.4. International Pattern of Trade 180

3.5. Regional Trade Blocs and World Trade Organisation (WTO) 180

3.6. Balance of Trade 182

3.7. Concerns Related to International Trade 182

3.8. Limitations of International Trade 182

3.9. India’s Foreign Trade 183

3.10. Challenges in International Trade for India 184

4. Sources 185


1. Transport1.1. Land Transport1.1.1. Road Transport1.1.1.2. Distribution of Roads in the World1.1.1.3. Distribution of Roads in India1.1.1.4. Road Density1.1.1.5. Problems of Road Transport1.1.2.1. Advantages of Rail Transport1.1.2.2. Limitations of Rail Transport1.1.2.3. Distribution of Railways in the World1.1.2.4. Distribution of Railways in India1.1.2.5. Problems of Railways in India1.2. Water Transport1.2.1. Inland Waterways1.2.1.2. Advantages of Inland Waterways1.2.1.3. Limitations of Inland Waterways1.2.1.4. Distribution of Inland Waterways in the World1.2.1.5. Distribution of Inland Waterways in India1.2.2.1. Main Ocean Routes of the World1.2.3. Major Ports in India1.2.4. Types of Port1.2.5. Types of port on the basis of location1.2.6. Types of port on the basis of specialised functions1.3. Air Transport1.3.1. Important Air Routes of the World1.3.2. Air Transport in India1.4. Pipeline Transport1.4.1. Advantages of Pipeline Transport1.4.2. Limitations of Pipeline Transport1.4.3. Distribution of Pipelines in the World1.4.4. Pipeline Transport in India2. Communication2.1. Personal Communication System2.2. Mass Communication System2.2.1. Radio2.2.2. Television (T.V.)2.2.3. Satellite Communication3. International Trade3.3. Types of International Trade3.4. International Pattern of Trade3.5. Regional Trade Blocs and World Trade Organisation (WTO)Global Top 10 Trading Countries33.7. Concerns Related to International Trade3.8. Limitations of International Trade3.9. India’s Foreign Trade3.10. Challenges in International Trade for India4. Sources