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1.4.3. Distribution of Pipelines in the World

The areas of the world with dense network of pipelines are as under:

(i) United States of America has dense network of pipelines. Most of the pipelines transport petroleum products and natural gas from the coastal areas like Gulf of Mexico to the consuming areas of north east. The total length of pipelines in USA in 2007 was 8,00,000 km. In Canada (1, 00,000 km) and Mexico (40,016 km), pipelines are also important means of transport. The most famous pipeline of the United States is called 'Big Inch'. It carries mineral oil from oil wells of Gulf of Mexico to north-eastern parts.

(ii) In many European countries, petroleum products and natural gas is transported through pipelines. The oil of North Sea is distributed through pipelines on the main land of the continent. Russia in 2007, alone has 2, 44,000 km long pipelines. Pipeline transport is also important in Germany and France. COMECON, 4800 km long is the longest pipeline of the world. It transports mineral oil from Volga and Ural in Russia to East European countries.

(iii) Middle East Asia: Oil is transported through pipelines from Saudi Arabia (6550 km), Iraq and other countries to refineries located on the Mediterranean coast. In Iran 9,800 km long pipeline exists.

(iv) Central Asia: The oil producing countries of central Asia i.e. Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan supply petroleum and natural gas through many pipelines to Turkey and Russia. Thousand kilometres long pipelines are under construction in this region.