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1.1. Uneven Distribution of Resources

Low latitudes (latitudes close to the equator) receive more of the sun's energy and much precipitation, while higher latitudes (latitudes closer to the poles) receive less of the sun's energy and too little precipitation. The temperate deciduous forest biome provides a more moderate climate, along with fertile soil, timber, and abundant wildlife. The plains offers flat landscapes and fertile soil for growing crops, while steep mountains and dry deserts are more challenging. Metallic minerals are most abundant in areas with strong tectonic activity, while fossil fuels are found in rocks formed by deposition (sedimentary rocks).

However, uneven distribution of natural resources have their own consequences on human settlement, economic activities, trade and even on conflict and war. Human settlement has been found near the natural resources in pre-historic time. Natural resources form the backbone of the economy of a nation. Without land, water, forest, mineral one cannot develop agriculture and industry. By utilising natural resources, humans created their own world of houses, buildings, means of transport and communication, industries etc.