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1.14. UPSC Questions Covered

1. “Small-holder farms need to be strengthened to achieve national food security.” Do you

agree with this assessment? Substantiate. (UPSC 2010/12 Marks)

2. Assess the contributions made by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in agricultural development. (UPSC 2010/12 Marks)

3. Write about Organic Farming in 20 words. (UPSC 2008/2 Marks)

4. Agricultural Productivity in India remains low. Explain the reasons for this situation. (UPSC 2008/15 Marks)

5. Write note on Negative impacts of shifting cultivation. (UPSC 2005/2 Marks)

6. Write short notes on Jhum cultivation – process and consequences. (UPSC 2002/2 Marks)

7. Give an account of the tea plantations of Assam and West Bengal and state the economic significance of these plantations. (UPSC 2002/10 Marks)

8. What is dry farming? Discuss the relevance in augmenting the food supply in India. (UPSC 1999/15 Marks)

9. What is shifting cultivation? Describe its salient characteristics with reference to India? (UPSC 1996/15 Marks)

10. What is dryland agriculture? Discuss its importance to India? (UPSC 1994/15 Marks)

11. Briefly explain the use of various chemical fertilizers in India agriculture. (UPSC 1992/15 Marks)

12. Mention the states where shifting cultivation is still practiced in India. (UPSC 1990/3 Marks)

13. What are the important wheat growing regions in India and why? Are we now growing enough wheat in India to meet our own demand for it? (UPSC 1985/20 Marks)

14. Government of India has given high priority to Oilseeds Development Programme. What strategy has been adopted to accelerate the efforts for increasing their production? Name important oilseeds cultivated in India with their distribution. (UPSC 1984/15 Marks)

15. Name the cotton growing areas of India. Describe the various factors which favour its cultivation in these areas. What part does cotton play in the present day economy of India? (UPCS 1983/15 Marks)

16. Discuss the geographical conditions favouring the cultivation of wheat or rice in India and describe the steps taken for improving its productivity. (UPCS 1982/30 Marks)

17. What is shifting cultivation? Where in India has this been resorted do? Consider its consequences and examine the steps taken by Government to prevent this practice. (UPCS 1981/20 Marks)

18. Which are the States in India that produce: (i) groundnut, (ii) tea, (iii) tobacco, and (iv) pepper? (UPCS 1980/20 Marks)

19. Can be agricultural development, we have achieved so far, be considered adequate? If so, why? If not, why not?
