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Figure 2: Global share of recoverable coal reserves

Figure 3: coal deposits of the world

In terms of production, China is the top coal producer since 1983. In 2011 China produced 3,520 millions of tonnes (mt) of coal – 49.5% of 7,695 million tonnes world coal production. In 2011 other large producers were United States (993 mt), India (589 mt), European Union (576 mt) and Australia (416 mt). Top coal exporting countries are Australia with 27% and Indonesia with 26% of total world coal export in 2010. Japan is the largest coal importer with 17% of total world coal import seconded by China having share of 16% in 2010. Major coalfields of the world are listed in the table 1.

North America

Pennsylvania anthracite field

Appalachian bituminous field

Eastern Illinois field – Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky

Western interior field – Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma

Gulf province – Texas, Alabama and Arkansas

Rocky mountain province- Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, new Mexico

Canada – Prairies, British Columbia coalfields, Nova Scotia Coal fields


Donetz coal basin (anthracite and high grade bituminous coal)

Moscow-Tula coalfields

Kuznetsk coal basin

Karaganda field

Silesia coal fields

Ruhr area of Germany

Other coal fields in Urals, Taimyr fields of the Arctic, deposits of the Caucasus mountains


China – Shanxi, Fushun, Inner Mongolia, Kansu

Japan – Chikugo coalfield, Ishikari coalfield

India – Damodar valley, Raniganj, Bokaro, Jharia, Singareni.

Pakistan - Quetta, Kalabagh and Thar coalfields

Australia – Bowen Basin coalfield, Galilee Basin coalfield, South Maitland coalfield, Sydney Basin coalfield, and Latrobe valley coalfield


Transvaal and Natal – Middleburg, Vereeniging and Witbank

Zimbabwe – Wankie

Zaire – Luena

Mozambique – Maniamba

Zambia – Nkandabwe and Mamba

Nigeria – Enugu

South America

Brazil – Santa Catarine and Rio grande de sul

Chile – Concepcion

Columbia – Cauca valley coalfield

Mexico – Piedras Negras, Sabinas and Lampazos

3.1.1. Coal in India