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7. Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP)

The government of India launched Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Program (AIBP) in 1996-97. This program was launched to give loan assistance to the states to help them a few major irrigation

projects which were in advanced stage of completion. The advanced stage of construction would imply that

At least 50% of latest approved estimated project cost already incurred and

At least 50% of physical progress of essential works of the project has taken place; and

The proposal of the State for inclusion of project under AIBP must be supported by a credible construction schedule indicating the works already executed and works to be executed along with their costs.

In this program major, medium and Extension, Renovation & Modernization (ERM) irrigation projects which were having investment clearance of Planning Commission and were in advanced stage of construction and can be completed in the next four financial year and also were not receiving any other form of financial assistance were considered for inclusion in the programme.

The State Governments have been provided an amount of Rs.43425.6331 crore as CLA/Grant under AIBP since inception of this programme till 1.12.2010 for 283 major/medium irrigation projects and 11655 Surface minor irrigation schemes. After commencement of this Programme 129 major/medium projects and 7969 Surface major/medium irrigation Schemes have so far been reported completed. An additional irrigation potential of 59.39 lakh hectare has been created up to March 2009.