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2.6. Problems of Road Transport in India

Road transport of the country is facing a number of problems. Some of these problems are discussed below:

Most of the Indian roads are unsurfaced (42.65%) and are not suitable for use of vehicular traffic. The poor maintenance of the roads aggravates the problem especially in the rainy season. According to one estimate there is about per year loss of Rs. 200 crores on the wear

and tear of the vehicles due to poor quality of roads. Less than 0.1 percent of the national income is spent on the maintenance of roads in India.

Sixty percent of villages are without roads in India. It adversely affects our agriculture and rural economy.

There is heavy tax burden on motor transport in India. There are multiple check-posts, toll tax and octoroon duties collection points on the roads which bring down the speed of the traffic and waste time. Rate of road taxes vary from state to state and interstate permits are difficult to obtain.

Way side amenities like repair shops, first aid centers, telephones, clean toilets, restaurants, rest places are lacking along the Indian roads. There is very little attention on road safety and traffic laws are wilfully violated.

There is little co-operation and co- ordination among different states with regard to motor transport. As such, motor transport faces lot of difficulties.

According to 'Road Transport Reorganization Committee', 90 per cent of the operators are small operators owning five vehicles or less. Owing to this small number, satisfactory and efficient service is not being provided to the people.

Due to high prices of petroleum products and diesel operational costs of road transport are rising and making the mode of transport more costly.

Most of the drivers on the roads are unskilled and untrained.

One major problem on the Indian roads is the mixing of traffic. Same road is used by high speed cars, trucks, two wheelers, tractors, animal driven carts, cyclists and even by animals. Even highways are not free from this malady. This increases traffic time, congestion and pollution and road accidents.

In India, roads are not well-maintained as there are no timely repairs. It causes discomfort and quick depreciation of vehicles.

There is very little participation of private sector in road development in India because of long gestation period and low-returns. The legislative framework for private investment in roads is also not satisfactory. The road engineering and construction are yet to gear themselves up to meet the challenges of the future.

There has been no stability in policy relating to highway development in the country. It has changed with the change of government. There are a number of agencies which look after the construction and maintenance of different types of roads. Since there is no co-ordination between these agencies their decisions are often conflicting and contradictory.