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1.10. Government Measures to Improve Agricultural Marketing

Government of India has adopted a number of measures to improve agricultural marketing, the important ones being - establishment of regulated markets, construction of warehouses, provision for grading, and standardization of produce, Standardization of weight and measures, daily broadcasting of market prices of agricultural crops on All India Radio, improvement of transport facilities, etc. These are as briefly described here : -


1.10.1. Marketing surveys1.10.2. Rural Godown Scheme1.10.3. Grading and Standardization1.10.4. Marketing Research & Information Network1.10.5. AgmarkNet1.10.6. National Agricultural Market Atlas (NAMA)1.10.7. CCS National Institute Of Agricultural Marketing, Jaipur1.10.8. Terminal Market Complexes1.10.9. Organization of Regulated Markets1.10.10. Central Warehousing Corporation1.10.11. Directorate of Marketing and Inspection1.10.12. Government Purchases and Fixation of Support Prices