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5. Evolution of Landform

Every landform has a beginning. Landforms once formed may change in their shape, size and nature slowly or fast due to continued action of geomorphic processes and agents.

Due to changes in climatic conditions and vertical or horizontal movements of land- masses, either the intensity of processes or the processes themselves might change leading to new

modifications in the landforms. Evolution here implies stages of transformation of either a part of the earth’s surface from one landform into another or transformation of individual landforms after they are once formed. That means, each and every landform has a history of development and changes through time. A landmass passes through stages of development somewhat comparable to the stages of life — youth, mature and old age.

The evolutionary history of the continually changing surface of the earth is essential to be understood in order to use it effectively without disturbing its balance and diminishing its potential for the future. Geomorphology deals with the reconstruction of the history of the surface of the earth through a study of its forms, the materials of which it is made up of and the processes that shape it.