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1. Land Resources and Agriculture

Land is an important natural resource, which serves variety of functions. Different types of lands are suited to different uses. Human beings thus, use land as a resource for production as well as residence and recreation. Though, land seems to be in vast amount but its usage pattern and category makes it a limited resource.. There are two main factors determining land-use:

1. Physical Factors: These factors are like topography, soils, climate etc.

2. Human Factors: Growth of human population, duration of land control, technology, land rights, social, economic and cultural factors are some of the human factors.


1.1. Land Use CategoriesSurvey of India(ix) Net Area Sown:1.2. Land-use Changes in India1.2.1. Intensity of cropping1.2.2. Common Property Resources1.3. Agricultural Land Use in India1.4. Salient Features of Indian Agriculture1.5. Cropping Season in India1.5.1. The Kharif Season1.5.2. The Rabi Season1.5.3. The Zaid Season1.6. Type of Farming (On Basis of Moisture for crops)Steps taken1.7.2. Subsistence Agriculture1.7.3. Intensive Agriculture1.7.4. Extensive Agriculture1.7.5. Plantation Agriculture1.7.6. Commercial Agriculture1.7.7. Mixed Farming1.8. Cropping Pattern51.9. Food grains1.9.1. Cereals1.9.1.2. Wheat1.9.1.3. Jowar (Sorghum) Bajra1.9.1.5. Maize1.9.1.6. Pulses1.9.1.7. Gram1.9.2. Oilseeds1.9.2.1. Groundnut1.9.2.2. Rapeseed and Mustard1.9.2.3. Other Oilseeds1.9.3. Cash Crops1.9.3.2. Jute1.9.3.3. Sugarcane1.9.3.4. Tea1.9.3.5. Coffee1.10. Agricultural Development in India1.10.1. Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)1.11. Government Steps to Enhance Agricultural Inputs1.11.1. Seeds1.11.2. Mechanization and Technology1.11.3. Integrated Nutrient Management1.11.4. Irrigation1.12. Major Schemes/Programmes for the Agricultural Sector1.12.2. Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana1.12.3. National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture1.12.4. Bringing Green Revolution to Eastern India (BGREI)1.12.5. Integrated Scheme Of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oilpalm & Maize (ISOPOM)NEED FOR MISSION APPROACHBackground1.13. Problems of Indian Agriculture1.14. UPSC Questions Covered