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1.12.3. National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture

Climate change poses a major challenge to agricultural production and productivity.

National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA), under the aegis of the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), seeks to transform Indian agriculture into a climate resilient production system through suitable adaptation and mitigation measures in domains of both crops and animal husbandry. NMSA as a programmatic intervention focuses on promotion of location specific integrated/composite farming systems; resource conservation technologies; comprehensive soil health management; efficient on-farm water management and mainstreaming rainfed technologies.

NMSA identifies 10 key dimensions namely seed & culture water, pest, nutrient, farming practices, credit, insurance, market, information and livelihood diversification for promoting suitable agricultural practices that covers both adaption and mitigation measures through four functional areas, namely, Research and Development, Technologies, Products and Practices,

Infrastructure and Capacity building. During XII Five Year Plan, these dimensions have been embedded and mainstreamed into Missions/Programmes/Schemes of Ministry of Agriculture including NMSA through a process of restructuring of various schemes/missions implemented during XI Five Year Plan and convergence with other related programmes of Central/State Governments.