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1. Introduction 80

2. Landform and Landscape 80

3. Causes 80

4. Landforms and Scale: Crustal Orders of Relief 80

5. Evolution of Landform 80

6. Landform Classification 81

7. Fluvial Landforms (Latin: Fluvius=River) 81

7.1. Action of a River/Stream 81

7.1.1. Erosion 82

7.1.2. Transportation 82

7.1.3. Deposition 83

7.2. River rejuvenation 88

7.2.1. Knick point 89

7.2.2. River Terrace 89

7.2.3. Incised or Entrenched Meanders 90

7.3. Significance of work of River 90

7.4. Features of Overview 91

7.4.1. Erosional Landforms 91

7.4.2. Depositional Landforms 91

7.4.3. Erosional and Depositional Landforms 91

8. Coastal landforms 91

8.1. Coastal processes: Tides, Current and Waves 91

8.1.1. Sea Waves mechanism 92

8.2. Coastal erosion 92

8.3. Erosional Features 92

8.3.1. Cliffs and wave-cut-platforms 92

8.3.2. Capes and bays 93

8.3.3. Cave, Arch and Stack 93

8.3.4. Blow holes and Geos 94

8.4. Depositional Features 94

8.4.1. Wave-Built Platform or Terrace 94

8.4.2. Beaches 95

8.4.3. Bars, Spits and Tombolo 95

8.5. Types of Coasts 96

8.6. Coastlines of submergence 96

8.7. Coastlines of Emergence 96

9. Glacial Landforms 97

9.1. Action of Glacier 97

9.2. The landforms created by glacial erosion 98

9.1.1. Cirque (or Corrie) 98

9.1.2. Arete 98

9.1.3. Pyramidal Peaks 98

9.1.4. Tarn 98

9.1.5. Bergschrund 98

9.1.6. ā€˜Uā€™ - shaped Valley 99

9.1.7. Hanging Valley 99

9.1.8. Truncated spurs 99

9.1.9. Paternoster lakes 99

9.1.10. Roche Moutonnee 100

9.2. Glacial landforms resulting from deposition 100

9.2.1. Boulder clay or glacial till 100

9.2.2. Outwash deposits 100

9.2.3. Erratics 100

9.2.4. Moraines 100

9.2.5. Outwash plain and Kettles 101

9.2.6. Kames 101

9.2.7. Eskers 101

9.2.8. Drumlins 101

10. Landform by the Action of Wind 102

10.1. Mechanism of wind Action in deserts 102

10.2. Erosional Landforms-Wind 103

10.2.1. Ventifacts or Dreikanter 103

10.2.2. Ventifact 103

10.2.3. Rock Pedestals or Mushroom Rocks 103

10.2.4. Yardangs 104

10.2.5. Zeugens 104

10.2.6. Mesas and Buttes 104

10.2.7. Inselbergs 104

10.3. Depositional Landforms-wind 104

10.3.1. Loess 105

10.4. Fluvial Desert Landforms 105

10.4.1. Wadis 106

10.4.2. Pediments 106

10.4.3. Bahada (Bajada) 106

10.4.4. Playas 106

11. Karst Topography 106

11.1. Erosional landform 107

11.1.1. Sink Holes, Swallow Holes, Dolines and Uvalas/valley sink 107

11.1.2. Lapies 107

11.1.3. Caves 107

11.2. Depositional Landforms 108

11.2.1. Stalactites and Stalagmites 108

12. Economic significance of karst regions 108


1. Introduction2. Landform and Landscape3. Causes4. Landforms and Scale: Crustal Orders of Relief5. Evolution of Landform6. Landform Classification17. Fluvial Landforms (Latin: Fluvius=River)7.1. Action of a River/Stream7.1.1. Erosion7.1.2. Transportation7.1.3. Deposition7.2. River rejuvenation7.2.1. Knick point7.2.2. River Terrace7.2.3. Incised or Entrenched Meanders7.4. Features of Overview8.1.1. Sea Waves mechanism8.2. Coastal erosion8.3. Erosional Features8.3.1. Cliffs and wave-cut-platforms8.3.2. Capes and bays8.3.4. Blow holes and Geos8.4.1. Wave-Built Platform or Terrace8.4.2. Beaches8.6. Coastlines of submergence8.7. Coastlines of EmergenceEmergent upland coast9. Glacial LandformsEmergent lowland coastErosional work of glacier9.2. The landforms created by glacial erosion9.1.1. Cirque (or Corrie)9.1.2. Arete9.1.3. Pyramidal Peaks9.1.4. Tarn9.1.5. Bergschrund9.1.7. Hanging Valley9.1.8. Truncated spurs9.1.9. Paternoster lakes9.1.10. Roche Moutonnee9.2.1. Boulder clay or glacial till9.2.2. Outwash deposits9.2.3. Erratics9.2.4. Moraines9.2.5. Outwash plain and Kettles9.2.6. Kames9.2.7. Eskers9.2.8. Drumlins10.1. Mechanism of wind Action in deserts10.2. Erosional Landforms-Wind10.2.1. Ventifacts or Dreikanter10.2.3. Rock Pedestals or Mushroom Rocks10.2.5. Zeugens10.2.6. Mesas and Buttes10.2.7. Inselbergs10.3. Depositional Landforms-wind10.3.1. Loess10.4. Fluvial Desert Landforms10.4.1. Wadis10.4.2. Pediments10.4.3. Bahada (Bajada)10.4.4. Playas11.1. Erosional landform11.1.1. Sink Holes, Swallow Holes, Dolines and Uvalas/valley sink11.1.2. Lapies11.1.3. Caves11.2. Depositional Landforms11.2.1. Stalactites and Stalagmites12. Economic significance of karst regions