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3. Global Climate Classification

The global climatic conditions can be studied under the following twelve classifications.


Latitude (Approximate)


Rainfall Regime



Equatorial Zone

00-100N and S

1. Hot, wet equatorial

Rainfall all year round : 80 inches

Equatorial rain forests

Hot Zone

100-300N and S


a) Tropical Monsoon

b) Tropical Marine

Heavy summer rain: 80 inches Much summer rain: 70 inches

Monsoon forests

3. Sudan Type

Rain mainly in summer: 30 inches

Savanna grassland)


4. Desert:

a) Saharan type

b) Mid-latitude type

Little rain: 5 inches

Desert vegetation and scrub

Warm Temperate Zone

30-0400N & S

5. Western Margin (Mediterranean type)

Winter rain: 35 inches

Mediterranean forests and shrub

6. Central Continental (Steppe type)

Light summer rain: 20 inches

Steppe or grassland


7. Eastern Margin:

a) China type

b) Gulf type

c) Natal type

Heavier summer 20 inches


Warm, wet forests and bamboo

Cool Temperate Zone

450-650N & S

8. Western (British type)


More rain in autumn & winter: 30 inches

Deciduous forests

9. Central Continental (Siberian type)

Light summer rain: 25 inches

Evergreen forests


10. Eastern Margin (Laurentian type)

Moderate summer rain: 40 inches

Mixed (coniferous deciduous)

forests and

Cold Zone

650-90N & S

11. Arctic or Polar

Very light summer rain: 10 inches

Tundra, lichens


Alpine Zone

12. Mountain climate

Heavy rainfall (variable)

Alpine pastures, conifers, fern, snow


3.1. The Hot, Wet Equatorial ClimateDistributionClimatic Conditions3.2. The Tropical Monsoon and Tropical Marine ClimatesClimatic Conditions:3.3. The Savannah or Sudan ClimateClimatic Conditions:3.4. The Hot Desert and Mid-latitude Desert ClimatesClimatic Conditions:3.5. The Warm Temperate Western Margin (Mediterranean) Climate3.6. The Temperate Continental (Steppe) ClimateDistributionClimatic Conditions3.7. The Warm Temperate Eastern Margin (China Type) ClimateClimatic Condition:3.8. The Cool Temperate Western Margin (British Type) ClimateDistribution ClimateClimatic Conditions3.9. The Cool Temperate Continental (Siberian) ClimateDistributionClimatic Conditions:Natural Vegetation3.10. The Cool Temperate Eastern Margin (Laurentian) ClimateDistributionClimatic Conditions:Natural VegetationEconomy3.11. The Arctic or Polar ClimateDistributionClimatic ConditionsNatural vegetationEconomy: