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Climatic Conditions:

The basic cause of monsoon climates is the difference in the rate of heating and cooling of land and sea. Average temperature of warm dry summer months ranges between 27°C and 32°C. In the summer, when the sun is overhead at the Tropic of Cancer, the great land masses of the northern hemisphere are heated. The seas, which warm up much slower, remain comparatively cool. At the same time, the southern hemisphere experiences winter, and a region of high pressure is set up in the continental interior of Australia. Winds blow outwards as the South- East Monsoon, to Java, and after crossing the equator are drawn towards the continental low pressure area reaching the Indian sub-continent as the South-West Monsoon. In the winter, conditions are reversed. The sun is overhead at the Tropic of Capricorn, central Asia is extremely cold, resulting in rapid cooling of the land. A region of high pressure is created with out-blowing winds-the North-East Monsoon.

The Seasons of Tropical Monsoon Climate: In regions like the Indian sub-continent which have a true Tropical Monsoon Climate, three distinct seasons are distinguishable - The cool, dry season (October to February), the hot dry season (March to mid-June) and the rainy season (mid-June to September).

The Tropical Marine Climate: This type of climate is experienced along the eastern coasts of tropical lands, receiving steady rainfall from the Trade Winds all the time. The rainfall is both orographic, where the moist trades meet upland masses as in eastern Brazil, and convectional

due to intense heating during the day and in summer. Its tendency is towards a summer maximum as in monsoon lands, but without any distinct dry period.

Natural Vegetation: The natural vegetation of tropical monsoon lands depends on the amount of the summer rainfall. Trees are normally deciduous because of the marked dry period, during which they shed their leaves to withstand the drought. Where the rainfall is heavy, e.g. in southern Burma, peninsular India, northern Australia and coastal regions with a tropical marine climate, the resultant vegetation is forest. The forests are more open and less luxuriant than the equatorial jungle and there are far fewer species. Most of the forests yield valuable timber, and are prized for their durable hardwood. Amongst these teak is the best known.

Economy: The main economic activity of the people is agriculture. Major agricrops are rice, cane sugar, jute etc.