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Achievements of Indians in science & technology1. RHODIOLABenefits:Indigenization of technology and developing new technology2. NATIONAL ELECTRIC MOBILITY MISSION PLAN 2020TargetWhy is it important?How will we do it?Who is helping us?The Challenge ahead3. SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION POLICY (STI) 2013The Key features of the STI policy 20134. NATIONAL CYBER SECURITY POLICYAim:IT and Computers5. DIGITAL INDIAVisionScope of Digital India:o It is coordinated by DeitY, implemented by the entire government.Program Management Structure:♤ Overall Costs of Digital India Impact of Digital India by 2019♤ Challengeso Ministries – Need a Chief Information Officer / Chief Technology Officer (CIO/CTO) Financial Resource Issues Coordination Issues. CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION (CIP). CRIME & CRIMINAL TRACKING NETWORK & SYSTEMS (CCTNS). PARAM YUVA II9. WATER JET PRINTER10. BRAIGO11. MAGNETORESISTIVE RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY (MRAM)12. CERT-In (the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team)BackgroundChanges in the Amendment include:Issues:13. IPv6 ADDRESSESAdvantages of IPv6 over IPv4BackgroundNational Internet Exchange of India (NIXI)(IT)Indian Registry for Internet Names and Numbers (IRINN)(IT)14. Cloud Technology based servicesTypes of Cloud Services Software as a Service (SaaS)Platform as a Service (PaaS)Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)15. M-GOVBenefits of mGovernmentMain measures laid down by Department of Information Technology (DoIT)Issues with mGovernmentSuggestions for mGovernment Development16. NATIONAL POLICY ON ELECTRONICS 2012The key objectives of the Policy:Strategy17. DECADE OF INNOVATIONTwo Key initiatives:- The Triad of polices18. NATIONAL OPTICAL FIBRE NETWORK (NOFN)19. NATIONAL INNOVATION COUNCIL (NInc)Aim:20. NATIONAL DATA SHARING AND ACCESSIBILITY POLICY (NDSAP-2012)21. DIGITAL DIVIDE22. VOIPLegal issues in India23. NATIONAL POLICY ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 201224. PROJECT LOON25. A4AI26. CROWDSOURCING27. HTTP 2.028. MOBILITY AS A SERVICE (MaaS)a per-device, per-month fee.29. CLICKTIVISMWhat is the issue?30. COWL – CONFINEMENT WITH ORIGIN WEB LEBELS31. INTERNET OF THINGS (IoT)32. EMAIL TURNED 32 – HISTORY OF EMAILSpace Technology33. CHANDRAYAAN II About Chandrayaan-I:About Chandrayaan-II:Payloads:34. INSAT 3E35. IRNSSAbout Satellite:Architecture:Services:Why substantially less satellites:Progress & Challenges:36. GSAT 1637. GSLV MARK III38. NISAR MISSION (NASA-ISRO SAR MISSION)39. THIRTY METER TELESCOPE (TMT)40. GAIA (SPACECRAFT)Importance Level: General Awareness41. JUICE MISSION42. ORBITING CARBON OBSERVATORY 243.SMAP44. TOPS – TERRESTRIAL OBSERVATION AND PREDICTION SYSTEM45. ILLUSTRISWhy in news?About IllustrisSignificance:46.NEW EVIDENCE SHOWS PARTICLE FOUND IN 2012 IS THE HIGGS BOSONMore infoHiggs BosonParticle Physics:Standard Model of particle physicsHiggs field♤ As particles move through the universe they acquire mass by interacting with the Higgs field.The Hypothesisunstable particle created in fraction of a second after the Big Bang before decaying into smaller99.99% of the speed of light.Why Higgs boson is so illusiveWhat if we find Higgs BosonCurrent Status of Higgs Boson♤ The sigma probabilities for the Higgs hunt in the ATLAS experiment is 2.8 sigma and in the case of CMS experiment 1.9 sigma (where three sigma level of certainty means nearly 99% accurate result).47. VOYAGER-148. CLEANSPACE ONE49. NuSTAR50. JADE RABBIT51. HR 5171A:52. ROBOTICS TECHNOLOGY Robotics TechnologyKiroboDefense Technology53. DHVANI54. ZERO PRESSURE TYRE55. INS KOLKATA56.NIRBHAY57.DHANUSH58. AWACSWhy AWACS planes are so valuable?How is it different from AEW&C system?59.WANKEL60AGNI-V♤ While Agni-V can destroy targets more than 5,000 km away, it can easily be further enhanced to become an Inter Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM).62. HAWK MK 13263. PRAGATI64. AMPHIBIOUS ARICRAFT65. AKASH (SURFACE TO AIR MISILE SYSTEM)66. ASTRA (BEYOND VISUAL RANGE AIR-TO-AIR MISSILE)67. ABHYAS (HIGH-SPEED EXPANDABLE AERIAL TARGET)68. LCA (LIGHT COMBAT AIRCRAFT-TEJAS)69. LCA NAVY (NAVAL LIGHT COMBAT AIRCRAFT)70. LCA TRAINER71. AEW&C (AIRBORNE EARLY WARNING AND CONTROL)72. HELINA73. PRISM74. TEMPORA♤ UK’s surveillance programme, aimed at tapping up as much online and telephone traffic as possible.76. DONGFENG MISSILE77. MEGATONS TO MEGAWATTS PROGRAMNano-Technology78. NANODIAMONDSWhy in news?About NanodiamondImportant characteristics:Applications:Way ahead:Bio-Technology79.PHANTOM – 3D MODEL OF HUMAN FINGERPRINTINGWhy in news?About PhantomApplication79. OXADIAZOLES80.STEM CELLS AUXETICITY:Why in news?About Stem Cells:About Stem Cells Auxeticity:Application:81. HSP 90:82. BRCA GENESWhy is it in news?Whose rights are violated by gene patents?What about the argument that patents are a necessary incentive for research?83. DUA’S LAYER84. BARCODES OF DNAWhy it matters?DNA barcodingEnergy Technology85. NET ZERO BUILDING86. NET METERINGAdvantages:87. FLOW BATTERIESWhy in News:88. SOLAR FUELDye-sensitised photoelectrosynthesis cell (DSPEC)Science and Tech. developments and their applications and effects in everyday life89. CABLE TV DIGITIZATION IN INDIAAdvantages:Mandatory dates of digitalization:Criticism/Challenges:Similar issues asked by UPSC:Additional Info:Set Top Box:Multi System Operator:90. NATIONAL EMF PORTAL♤ Possible Effects of EMF on Human health91. INNOVATION IN SCIENCE PURSUIT FOR INSPIRED RESEARCH (INSPIRE)92. UN DECADE OF ACTION FOR ROAD SAFETYWhy in news ?What is it ?Status of Road Safety in India:Why there is high mortality rate in India?Electronic Stability Control:Traction Control System(TCS)Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)Why is that important?Airbags93. VIRTUAL CLUSTERS94. FASTags (ELECTRONIC TOLL COLLECTION)Why in news?About Fastags:Future implications and scope of ETC:Health Technology95. MAXIMUM RESIDUE LIMITS (MRL)In News:96. DRUG RESISTANCE: HOW AND HOW TO HANDLE IT♤ Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic, Penicillin* in 1927.98. GREEN TOILETS99. GRIHA100. IGBC GREEN BUILDING O&M RATING SYSTEMUnique features of IGBC Existing Buildings (O & M)Science Reporter Part I101. NOBEL PRIZE - PHYSICSWhy LED is important?How do LED lights work?Why Blue LED is so important?o With the use of Gallium Nitride (GaN) blue LEDs can be produced; however to grow gallium nitride crystals of high enough quality was the real challenge.102 NOBEL PRIZE - BIOLOGY103. NOBEL PRIZE – CHEMISTRY104. GOOGLE GLASS105. NEUROSYNAPTIC CHIP106. ANTI-COUNTERFEITING FILM BASED ON NANOTECHNOLOGY107. GREENING THE SILK (TOPIC: INDIGENIZATION OF TECHNOLOGY)♤ Researchers have applied for patent claiming that this is the first ever naturally colored silk in the world.Why Endangered?109. SMART PENS110. DIGITAL COINo This result in a system where payments are non-reversible, accounts cannot be frozen, and transaction fees are much lower.1. LASER TVHow does it works?What is the Advantages with Laser TV?2. AUTONOMOUS CARBenefits:Example projects3. 3D HOLOGRAM TECHWhy in news?About HolographyAbout 3D Hologram Projection TechnologyOther 3D Display Technologies3D television/3D DisplayTechnologiesWith filters/lenses:♤ Active 3D:♤ Passive 3D:♤ Others: Few new technologies are developed4. QUANTUM DOT DISPLAY/QLED OR QDLEDQLEDs advantages:Disadvantages:5. NEAR FIELD COMMUNICATION (NCF):Applications:6 MICROBIAL FUEL CELL (MFC)Biofilm7. AGRIBOTBenefits:8. RFID – RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATIONWhy in news?About RFIDWhy use RFID?Applications:RFID can help:Future Prospects:9. QR CODE / QRC / 2D BARCODES10. CARBON SEQUESTRATIONCarbon Sequestration“Carbfix Project”11. BIONIC EYE12. DESIGNER BABY13. BIOSIMILAR14. POD-CARD/PERSONAL RAPID TRANSIT (PRT)15. AMPAKINES/AMPAKINES TECHOLOGY-AMPAKINESWorking:Uses:Applications:17. BRAIN READINGBackground:MRI18. NEUROINFORMATICS19. GENENETWORK-20. NEUROPROSTHETICS21. IN VITRO MEAT22. VERTICAL FARMING- (farm vertically)Advantages of Vertical Farming23. PROSTHESIS-24.HEAD TRANSPLANT-25. ISOLATED BRAIN-26. LIFE EXTENSION-27. HIBERNATION-28. NANOMEDICINES-29. PERSONALIZED MEDICINE-30. FULL GENOME SEQUENCING-31. REGENERATIVE MEDICINE-32. ROBOTIC SURGERY-33. STEM CELL TREATMENTS34.TISSUE ENGINEERING-35. VITRIFICATION-36. CRYOPROTECTANT-37. ADAPTIVE OPTICS (AO)-38. ULTRA HIGH DEFINITION TELEVISION-39. OLED-40. MEMRISTOR-41. ELECTRONIC NOSE-Recent Advances42. E- TEXTILES/ FIBRETRONICS-43. 3D IC-44. QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY-45. QUANTUM COMPUTER-46. OPTICAL COMPUTING-47. PROTEIN COATED DISC-48. LS-R DISC-49. HVD-50. EXOCORTEX-51. SEMANTIC WEB-52. CYBERMETHODOLOGY-53. SPEECH RECOGNITION-54. 5G55. 4G-56. VIRTUAL REALITY-57. ARTIFICIAL BRAIN-58. 3D PRINTING-59. CLAYTRONICS-60. MOLECULAR ASSEMBLER-61. UTILITY FOG-62. AEROGEL-63. SILICENE-Silicenevsgraphene64. HIGH TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTORS-65. CARBON NANOTUBES(CNT)-Structure-66. METAMATERIALS-67. PROGRAMMABLE MATTER-68. QUANTUM DOT-69. AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS-70. PROPRIOCEPTIVE SENSORS-Self – MonitoringExamples of Proprioceptive Sensors:71. MOLECULAR NANOTECHNOLOGY-72. LS3-LEGGED SQUAD SUPPORT SYSTEMS73. SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR(SAR)-74. SPACE-BASED SOLAR POWERAdvantagesDisadvantages75. Chemical Computer76. DNA Computer77. SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC TECHNOLOGIESSolar CellsSolar ArraysConcentrated PV (CPV) Systems78. BIO-DIGESTERBenefits of using a Biodigester:79. INDUCED PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS (iPSC)80. BIO-INSPIRED TECHNOLOGY81. ENCODE PROJECT82. COMPACT FLUORESCENT LIGHTS (CFLs)ProsCons83. MAGLEV BULLET TRAINMagnetic levitation technology (maglev)84. GRAVITATIONAL LENSING85. LETHAL AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS (LARs)86. 3D BUMP87. DEEP WEB88. NEED FOR DEEP WEBIndigenization of technology and developing new technologyKIRAN scheme:Right to Research FoundationIT and'digital cloud' for every IndianMeghRajBharat Bill Payment SystemThe participants in the BBPS will include authorised entities, such as, the entity operating the BBPS itself, the BBPOUs as well as their agents, payment gateways, banks, billers and service providers, and other entities as required under the BBPS.e-PramaanMajor Components of e-Pramaan includes:What is e-Authentication?Why e-Pramaan?Centralized Monitoring System(CMS)SandeshPathak:VISHING FRAUDMobile SevaDigital DivideM-PesaSpaceSignificance of MOM/MangalyaanConsMars 2020 Rover Mission♤ Functions♤ The Seven Payloads are:-Space Vision 2025Work done according to vision 2025 (Success)Liquid Apogee MotorRecent flights of PSLVMAVEN(Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission)Manned space missionThe Indian human spaceflight programme:Geo imaging Satellite (GISAT)ASTROSAT-1ADITYA-1Space Commerce/AntrixAntimatterSAARC SatelliteProblem of Waste Deposits in SpaceDark MatterWhy is it in news?Kepler-186f1:Graveyard OrbitThe AtlastRoboticsVelocirobotDefencek-4NetraBio-TechnologyGenetic Testing:In News:What is Genetic Testing:Genetic BlueprintGenetic blueprint of bread wheat genome unveiled, last step before full genome sequenceEnergyFast Breeder ReactorAdvantage:LimitationsIndia's statusChaibagaan timeWhy in news ?What is it ?Why is it required?One Nation-One Grid:Why one grid?Evolution of National Grid:World's first solar jet fuelApplications of FLOW BATTERY:SnT developments and their applications and effects in everyday lifeInnovation HubMass spectrometryHealthMagnivisualizer:PaMZ – TBEnvironment TechnologyPolar Vertex:COMAPS(Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction System)Part B: Science Reporter Articles from Science Reporter Part 2C V RamanEnergy Efficient VehiclesTurning off Aging GenesRoboBee: An insect DroneHuman ID cardsMercury and Minamata ConventionCyber Rain Sprinkler Controller3D Bio-penSuper Lithium Ion BatteriesDisposable Paper CupsInternational Space StationWeightlessness in SpaceActive and Adaptive optics and Creating an Artificial StarWheat Stem Rust UG99Water FootprintSolid Waste Management and Energy from Wastage♤ Composting and Vermi CompostingPersistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)Growth Promoting AntibioticsFinger ReaderPrecision agricultureBiosphere 2The Virgin Earth Challenge5 technologies for CO2 removal (current CO2 level 400 ppm)1. Biochar2. BECCS (Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage)3. Direct air capture5. Grassland restorationAmorphous metalBioplasticsConductive PolymersFemtotechnologyMagnetic refrigerationScramjet (supersonic combusting ramjet) TechnologySuperalloySovaldi (sofosbuvir)/Olysio (simeprevir)Reinvent the Toilet ChallengeRapiDot Diagnostic Kit:Welspun Solar MP Project:“Digital Holographic Microscopy” technique:Theatre Level Operational Readiness Exercise (TROPEX) :Charkilo:Olive Riddley Conservation Programme:Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032:Putnisite:KrishiShaktiINS Kamorta101stscience congressNational Technology DayPromotion of Science