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Space Vision 2025

The Space Vision 2025 was unveiled at the Indian Science Congress – 2003, in Bangalore. The vision document spells out the steps to take our space programme to greater heights.

The emphasis is on achieving self-reliance in launching capabilities and end dependence on foreign agencies for the same. Of course, self-sufficiency has been achieved in the fabrication of satellites. Mission to moon also forms part of the vision.

The seven-point ‘Space Vision India 2025,’ is future roadmap for ISRO

1. Satellite based communication and navigation systems for rural connectivity, security needs and mobile services

2. Enhanced imaging capability for natural resource management, weather and climate change studies

3. Space science missions for better understanding of solar system and universe

4. Planetary exploration:

5. Development of Heavy lift launcher:

6. Reusable Launch Vehicles - Technology demonstrator missions leading to Two Stage To Orbit (TSTO): has been approved by the National Review Committee in 2012 and is expected to bring down cost significantly.

7. Human Space Flight:


Work done according to vision 2025 (Success)