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The Orbiter payloads are : Large Area Soft X-ray Spectrometer (CLASS) and Solar X-ray Monitor (XSM) for mapping the major elements present on the lunar surface; L and S band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) for probing the first few tens of meters of the lunar surface for the presence of different constituents including water ice; Imaging IR Spectrometer (IIRS) for the mapping of lunar surface over a wide wavelength range for the

study of minerals, water molecules and hydroxyl present; Neutral Mass Spectrometer (ChACE-2) to carry out a detailed study of the lunar exosphere and a Terrain Mapping Camera-2 (TMC-2) for preparing a three- dimensional map essential for studying the lunar mineralogy and geology.

The Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscope (LIBS) and Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS) payloads onboard Rover would perform elemental analysis of the lunar surface near the landing site.

Few technological elements in a lander which need to be developed:

1. Need to reduce the velocity of the lander as it comes for soft landing.

2. To develop the mechanism that is involved in a lander.

3. To locate precisely where to land by taking pictures and then steering the lander to a place it has to land

Status: Charayaan 2 will be launched using GSLV by 2016 or 2017.