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About Chandrayaan-II:

Chandrayaan-2 will be an advanced version of the previous Chandrayaan-1.

Chandrayaan-2 is configured as a two module system comprising of an Orbiter Craft module (OC) and a Lander Craft module (LC) carrying the Rover developed by ISRO.

The functions of the two modules are as follows:

The Orbiter Craft with payloads onboard will orbit around the moon and perform the objectives of remote sensing the moon. The payloads on the orbiter will conduct mineralogical and elemental studies of the Moon’s surface.

The Lander Craft with scientific payloads will soft land on the lunar surface at a predetermined location on the lunar surface.

The Rover is released by the Lander Craft and has the mission objective of performing mobility activities on low gravity and vacuum of Moon surface with Semi-Autonomous navigation and hazard avoidance capability.