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IT and Computers


5. DIGITAL INDIAVisionScope of Digital India:o It is coordinated by DeitY, implemented by the entire government.Program Management Structure:♤ Overall Costs of Digital India Impact of Digital India by 2019♤ Challengeso Ministries – Need a Chief Information Officer / Chief Technology Officer (CIO/CTO) Financial Resource Issues Coordination Issues. CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION (CIP). CRIME & CRIMINAL TRACKING NETWORK & SYSTEMS (CCTNS). PARAM YUVA II9. WATER JET PRINTER10. BRAIGO11. MAGNETORESISTIVE RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY (MRAM)12. CERT-In (the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team)BackgroundChanges in the Amendment include:Issues:13. IPv6 ADDRESSESAdvantages of IPv6 over IPv4BackgroundNational Internet Exchange of India (NIXI)(IT)Indian Registry for Internet Names and Numbers (IRINN)(IT)14. Cloud Technology based servicesTypes of Cloud Services Software as a Service (SaaS)Platform as a Service (PaaS)Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)15. M-GOVBenefits of mGovernmentMain measures laid down by Department of Information Technology (DoIT)Issues with mGovernmentSuggestions for mGovernment Development16. NATIONAL POLICY ON ELECTRONICS 2012The key objectives of the Policy:Strategy17. DECADE OF INNOVATIONTwo Key initiatives:- The Triad of polices18. NATIONAL OPTICAL FIBRE NETWORK (NOFN)19. NATIONAL INNOVATION COUNCIL (NInc)Aim:20. NATIONAL DATA SHARING AND ACCESSIBILITY POLICY (NDSAP-2012)21. DIGITAL DIVIDE22. VOIPLegal issues in India23. NATIONAL POLICY ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 201224. PROJECT LOON25. A4AI26. CROWDSOURCING27. HTTP 2.028. MOBILITY AS A SERVICE (MaaS)a per-device, per-month fee.29. CLICKTIVISMWhat is the issue?30. COWL – CONFINEMENT WITH ORIGIN WEB LEBELS31. INTERNET OF THINGS (IoT)32. EMAIL TURNED 32 – HISTORY OF EMAIL