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o Silk is extensively used in India; however its natural color is either white or yellow. To have different varieties of color silk fabrics are put through an extensive dyeing process.

o This dyeing process not only posses health risk to working laborers but the entire dyeing industry is considered as highly polluting.

o Huge amount of water is consumed and the remaining waste water is dumped in environment without treatment.

This pollution can be avoided if the methods of dyeing is used at the very source i.e. silkworms producing colored silk.

In India scientists at Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute (CSRTI) with collaboration from National Chemical Laboratory have been successful to achieve this goal. How?

o The feeding procedure used for silkworms was modified.The leaves given for feeding were sprayed with known concentration of a given dye.

o Azo dyes were used for this purpose which is inexpensive and is easily available.

o Many colored cocoons were obtained by this variety and CSRTI is in the process of synthesizing new dye molecules to have desired colored silk.

o Silk Sarees with light violet and pink colors have been released under the name Naturals or RMKV silks by using this technology.

Thus, the entire process of treating toxic dye effluents is significantly reduced that are generated in the traditional dyeing process.


♤ Researchers have applied for patent claiming that this is the first ever naturally colored silk in the world.Why Endangered?