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upsc polityList of TablesPART-I CONSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK1. Historical BackgroundAmending Act of 1781Pitt’s India Act of 1784Act of 1786Charter Act of 1793Charter Act of 1813Charter Act of 1833Charter Act of 1853THE CROWN RULE (1858-1947)Indian Councils Act of 1861Indian Councils Act of 1892Indian Councils Act of 1909Government of India Act of 1919Government of India Act of 1935Indian Independence Act of 19472 Making of the ConstitutionDEMAND FOR A CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLYCOMPOSITION OF THE CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLYWORKING OF THE CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLYObjectives ResolutionChanges by the Independence ActOther Functions PerformedCOMMITTEES OF THE CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLYMajor CommitteesMinor CommitteesDrafting CommitteeENACTMENT OF THE CONSTITUTIONENFORCEMENT OF THE CONSTITUTIONEXPERTS COMMITTEE OF THE CONGRESSCRITICISM OF THE CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLYIMPORTANT FACTSHINDI TEXT OF THE CONSTITUTION3 Salient Features of the ConstitutionSALIENT FEATURES OF THE CONSTITUTION1. Lengthiest Written Constitution2. Drawn From Various Sources3. Blend of Rigidity and Flexibility4. Federal System with Unitary Bias5. Parliamentary Form of Government6. Synthesis of Parliamentary Sovereignty and Judicial Supremacy7. Integrated and Independent Judiciary8. Fundamental Rights9. Directive Principles of State Policy10. Fundamental Duties11. A Secular State12. Universal Adult Franchise13. Single Citizenship14. Independent Bodies15. Emergency Provisions16. Three-tier Government17. Co-operative SocietiesCRITICISM OF THE CONSTITUTION4 Preamble of the ConstitutionTEXT OF THE PREAMBLEINGREDIENTS OF THE PREAMBLEKEY WORDS IN THE PREAMBLE1. Sovereign2. Socialist3. Secular4. Democratic5. Republic6. Justice7. Liberty8. Equality9. FraternitySIGNIFICANCE OF THE PREAMBLEPREAMBLE AS PART OF THE CONSTITUTIONAMENABILITY OF THE PREAMBLE5 Union and its TerritoryUNION OF STATESPARLIAMENT’S POWER TO REORGANISE THE STATESEXCHANGE OF TERRITORIES WITH BANGLADESHEVOLUTION OF STATES AND UNION TERRITORIESDhar Commission and JVP CommitteeFazl Ali CommissionNew States and Union Territories Created After 19568 Directive Principles of State PolicyFEATURES OF THE DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLESCLASSIFICATION OF THE DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLESSocialistic PrinciplesGandhian PrinciplesLiberal-Intellectual PrinciplesNEW DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLESSANCTION BEHIND DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLESCRITICISM OF THE DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES1. No Legal Force2. Illogically Arranged3. Conservative4. Constitutional ConflictUTILITY OF DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLESCONFLICT BETWEEN FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AND DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLESIMPLEMENTATION OF DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLESDIRECTIVES OUTSIDE PART IV9 Fundamental DutiesSWARAN SINGH COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONSLIST OF FUNDAMENTAL DUTIESFEATURES OF THE FUNDAMENTAL DUTIESCRITICISM OF FUNDAMENTAL DUTIESSIGNIFICANCE OF FUNDAMENTAL DUTIESVERMA COMMITTEE OBSERVATIONS10 Amendment of the ConstitutionPROCEDURE FOR AMENDMENTTYPES OF AMENDMENTSBy Simple Majority of ParliamentBy Special Majority of ParliamentBy Special Majority of Parliament and Consent of StatesCRITICISM OF THE AMENDMENT PROCEDURE11 Basic Structure of the ConstitutionEMERGENCE OF THE BASIC STRUCTUREELEMENTS OF THE BASIC STRUCTUREPART-II12. Parliamentary System1. Nominal and Real Executives2. Majority Party Rule3. Collective Responsibility4. Political Homogeneity5. Double Membership6. Leadership of the Prime Minister7. Dissolution of the Lower House8. SecrecyFEATURES OF PRESIDENTIAL GOVERNMENTMERITS OF THE PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEMDEMERITS OF THE PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEMREASONS FOR ADOPTING PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEMDISTINCTION BETWEEN INDIAN AND BRITISH MODELS1. Dual Polity2. Written Constitution3. Division of Powers4. Supremacy of the Constitution5. Rigid Constitution6. Independent Judiciary7. Bicameralism1. Strong Centre2. States Not Indestructible3. Single Constitution4. Flexibility of the Constitution5. No Equality of State Representation6. Emergency Provisions7. Single Citizenship8. Integrated Judiciary9. All-India Services10. Integrated Audit Machinery11. Parliament’s Authority Over State List12. Appointment of Governor13. Integrated Election Machinery14. Veto Over State Bills15 Inter-State Relations16 Emergency ProvisionsNATIONAL EMERGENCYParliamentary Approval and DurationRevocation of ProclamationEffects of National EmergencyDistinction Between Articles 358 and 359Declarations Made So FarPRESIDENT’S RULEParliamentary Approval and DurationConsequences of President’s RuleUse of Article 356Scope of Judicial ReviewCases of Proper and Improper UseFINANCIAL EMERGENCYParliamentary Approval and DurationEffects of Financial EmergencyCRITICISM OF THE EMERGENCY PROVISIONSPART-III CENTRAL GOVERNMENT17. PresidentOath or Affirmation by the PresidentConditions of President’s OfficeTerm of President’s OfficeImpeachment of PresidentVacancy in the President’s OfficeExecutive PowersLegislative PowersFinancial PowersJudicial PowersDiplomatic PowersMilitary PowersEmergency PowersAbsolute VetoSuspensive VetoPocket VetoPresidential Veto over State Legislation18 Vice-PresidentELECTIONQUALIFICATIONS, OATH AND CONDITIONSOath or AffirmationConditions of OfficeTERM AND VACANCYVacancy in OfficePOWERS AND FUNCTIONSINDIAN AND AMERICAN VICEPRESIDENTS COMPARED19 Prime MinisterAPPOINTMENT OF THE PRIME MINISTEROATH, TERM AND SALARYPOWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE PRIME MINISTERIn Relation to Council of MinistersIn Relation to the PresidentIn Relation to ParliamentOther Powers & FunctionsROLE DESCRIPTIONSRELATIONSHIP WITH THE PRESIDENTCHIEF MINISTERS WHO BECAME PRIME MINISTERS20 Central Council of MinistersCONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONSArticle 75-Other Provisions as to MinistersArticle 77-Conduct of Business of the Government of IndiaArticle 78-Duties of Prime MinisterArticle 88-Rights of Ministers as Respects the HousesNATURE OF ADVICE BY MINISTERSAPPOINTMENT OF MINISTERSOATH AND SALARY OF MINISTERSRESPONSIBILITY OF MINISTERSIndividual ResponsibilityNo Legal ResponsibilityCOMPOSITION OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERSCOUNCIL OF MINISTERS VS CABINETROLE OF CABINETROLE DESCRIPTIONSKITCHEN CABINET21 Cabinet CommitteesFEATURES OF CABINET COMMITTEESLIST OF CABINET COMMITTEESFUNCTIONS OF CABINET COMMITTEESGROUPS OF MINISTERS22 ParliamentORGANISATION OF PARLIAMENTCOMPOSITION OF THE TWO HOUSESComposition of Lok SabhaSYSTEM OF ELECTIONS TO LOK SABHATerritorial ConstituenciesReadjustment after each CensusReservation of Seats for SCs and STsFirst-Past-The-Post SystemDURATION OF TWO HOUSESDuration of Lok SabhaMEMBERSHIP OF PARLIAMENTDisqualificationsVacating of SeatsOath or AffirmationSalaries and AllowancesPRESIDING OFFICERS OF PARLIAMENTSpeaker of Lok SabhaDeputy Speaker of Lok SabhaPanel of Chairpersons of Lok SabhaChairman of Rajya SabhaDeputy Chairman of Rajya SabhaPanel of Vice-Chairpersons of Rajya SabhaSecretariat of ParliamentLEADERS IN PARLIAMENTLeader of the OppositionWhipSESSIONS OF PARLIAMENTAdjournmentProrogationDissolutionQuorumVoting in HouseLanguage in ParliamentRights of Ministers and Attorney GeneralLame-duck SessionDEVICES OF PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGSZero HourMotionsPoint of OrderHalf-an-Hour DiscussionShort Duration DiscussionSpecial MentionResolutionsYouth ParliamentLEGISLATIVE PROCEDURE IN PARLIAMENTOrdinary BillsMoney BillsFinancial BillsJOINT SITTING OF TWO HOUSESBUDGET IN PARLIAMENTConstitutional ProvisionsCharged ExpenditureStages in EnactmentOther GrantsFundsMULTIFUNCTIONAL ROLE OF PARLIAMENT1. Legislative Powers and Functions2. Executive Powers and Functions3. Financial Powers and Functions4. Constituent Powers and Functions5. Judicial Powers and Functions6. Electoral Powers and Functions7. Other Powers and FunctionsINEFFECTIVENESS OF PARLIAMENTARY CONTROLPOSITION OF RAJYA SABHAEqual Status with Lok SabhaUnequal Status with Lok SabhaSpecial Powers of Rajya SabhaPARLIAMENTARY PRIVILEGESClassificationBreach of Privilege and Contempt of the HouseSources of PrivilegesSOVEREIGNTY OF PARLIAMENT1. Written Nature of the Constitution2. Federal System of Government3. System of Judicial Review4. Fundamental Rights23 Parliamentary CommitteesMEANINGCLASSIFICATIONStanding CommitteesAd Hoc CommitteesFINANCIAL COMMITTEESDEPARTMENTAL STANDING COMMITTEESCOMMITTEES TO INQUIRECOMMITTEES TO SCRUTINISE AND CONTROLCOMMITTEES RELATING TO THE DAY-TO-DAY BUSINESS OF THE HOUSEHOUSE-KEEPING COMMITTEESCONSULTATIVE COMMITTEES24 Parliamentary ForumsESTABLISHMENT OF THE FORUMSOBJECTIVES OF THE FORUMSCOMPOSITION OF THE FORUMSFUNCTIONS OF THE FORUMSParliamentary Forum on YouthParliamentary Forum on ChildrenParliamentary Forum on Population and Public HealthParliamentary Forum on Global Warming and Climate ChangeParliamentary Forum on Disaster ManagementParliamentary Forum on Artisans and CraftspeopleParliamentary Forum on Millennium Development Goals25 Parliamentary GroupRATIONALE OF THE GROUPCOMPOSITION OF THE GROUPOBJECTIVES OF THE GROUPFUNCTIONS OF THE GROUPTHE GROUP AND IPU7THE GROUP AND CPA826 Supreme CourtCOMPOSITION AND APPOINTMENTQUALIFICATIONS, OATH AND SALARIESTENURE AND REMOVALACTING, ADHOC AND RETIRED JUDGESSEAT AND PROCEDUREINDEPENDENCE OF SUPREME COURTJURISDICTION AND POWERS OF SUPREME COURT1. Original Jurisdiction2. Writ Jurisdiction3. Appellate Jurisdiction4. Advisory Jurisdiction5. A Court of Record6. Power of Judicial Review7. Constitutional Interpretation8. Other PowersSUPREME COURT ADVOCATES27 Judicial ReviewMEANING OF JUDICIAL REVIEWIMPORTANCE OF JUDICIAL REVIEWCONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS FOR JUDICIAL REVIEWSCOPE OF JUDICIAL REVIEWJUDICIAL REVIEW OF THE NINTH SCHEDULE28 Judicial ActivismMEANING OF JUDICIAL ACTIVISMJUDICIAL REVIEW AND JUDICIAL ACTIVISMJUSTIFICATION OF JUDICIAL ACTIVISMACTIVATORS OF JUDICIAL ACTIVISMAPPREHENSIONS OF JUDICIAL ACTIVISMJUDICIAL ACTIVISM VS. JUDICIAL RESTRAINTAssumptions of Judicial RestraintSupreme Court Observations29 Public Interest LitigationMEANING OF PILFEATURES OF PILSCOPE OF PILPRINCIPLES OF PILGUIDELINES FOR ADMITTING PILPART-IV STATE GOVERNMENT30. GovernorExecutive PowersLegislative PowersFinancial PowersJudicial PowersIn Relation to Council of MinistersIn Relation to the GovernorIn Relation to State LegislatureOther Powers and Functions32 State Council of MinistersCONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONSArticle 164-Other Provisions as to MinistersArticle 166-Conduct of Business of the Government of a StateArticle 167-Duties of Chief MinisterArticle 177-Rights of Ministers as Respects the HousesNATURE OF ADVICE BY MINISTERSAPPOINTMENT OF MINISTERSOATH AND SALARY OF MINISTERSRESPONSIBILITY OF MINISTERSIndividual ResponsibilityNo Legal ResponsibilityCOMPOSITION OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERSCABINETCabinet Committees34 High CourtCOMPOSITION AND APPOINTMENTQUALIFICATIONS, OATH AND SALARIESTENURE, REMOVAL AND TRANSFERACTING, ADDITIONAL AND RETIRED JUDGESINDEPENDENCE OF HIGH COURTJURISDICTION AND POWERS OF HIGH COURT1. Original Jurisdiction2. Writ Jurisdiction3. Appellate Jurisdiction4. Supervisory Jurisdiction5. Control over Subordinate Courts6. A Court of Record7. Power of Judicial Review35 TribunalsADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALSCentral Administrative Tribunal (CAT)State Administrative TribunalsTRIBUNALS FOR OTHER MATTERS37 Special Provisions for Some StatesPART-V LOCAL GOVERNMENT38. Panchayati RajStudy Teams and CommitteesAshok Mehta CommitteeG.V.K. Rao CommitteeL M Singhvi CommitteeThungon CommitteeGadgil CommitteeConstitutionalisationSignificance of the ActSalient FeaturesA. Compulsory ProvisionsB. Voluntary ProvisionsObjectives of the ActFeatures of the ActHistorical PerspectiveCommittees and CommissionsConstitutionalisationSalient Features1. Municipal Corporation2. Municipality3. Notified Area Committee4. Town Area Committee5. Cantonment Board6. Township7. Port Trust8. Special Purpose AgencyPART-VI40. Union TerritoriesADMINISTRATION OF UNION TERRITORIESSPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR DELHIADVISORY COMMITTEES OF UNION TERRITORIES41 Scheduled and Tribal AreasADMINISTRATION OF SCHEDULED AREASADMINISTRATION OF TRIBAL AREASPART-VII CONSTITUTIONAL BODIES42. Election CommissionINDEPENDENCEPOWERS AND FUNCTIONSVISION, MISSION AND PRINCIPLES644 State Public Service Commission46 Goods and Services Tax Council47 National Commission for SCsEVOLUTION OF THE COMMISSIONFUNCTIONS OF THE COMMISSIONREPORT OF THE COMMISSIONPOWERS OF THE COMMISSION48 National Commission for STsSEPARATE COMMISSION FOR STSFUNCTIONS OF THE COMMISSIONOTHER FUNCTIONS OF THE COMMISSIONREPORT OF THE COMMISSIONPOWERS OF THE COMMISSION49 National Commission for BCsESTABLISHMENT OF THE COMMISSIONFUNCTIONS OF THE COMMISSIONREPORT OF THE COMMISSIONPOWERS OF THE COMMISSION50 Special Officer for Linguistic MinoritiesCONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONSCOMMISSIONER FOR LINGUISTIC MINORITIESROLE OF THE COMMISSIONERVISION AND MISSIONVisionMissionFUNCTIONS AND OBJECTIVESFunctionsObjectives51 Comptroller and Auditor General of IndiaAPPOINTMENT AND TERMINDEPENDENCEDUTIES AND POWERSROLECAG AND CORPORATIONSAPPLEBY’S CRITICISM52 Attorney General of IndiaAPPOINTMENT AND TERMDUTIES AND FUNCTIONSRIGHTS AND LIMITATIONSSOLICITOR GENERAL OF INDIA53 Advocate General of the StateAPPOINTMENT AND TERMDUTIES AND FUNCTIONSPART-VIII54. NITI Aayog55 National Human Rights CommissionESTABLISHMENT OF THE COMMISSIONCOMPOSITION OF THE COMMISSIONFUNCTIONS OF THE COMMISSIONWORKING OF THE COMMISSIONROLE OF THE COMMISSIONPERFORMANCE OF THE COMMISSION56 State Human Rights CommissionCOMPOSITION OF THE COMMISSIONFUNCTIONS OF THE COMMISSIONWORKING OF THE COMMISSIONHUMAN RIGHTS COURTS2019 AMENDMENT ACT57 Central Information CommissionCOMPOSITIONTENURE AND SERVICE CONDITIONSPOWERS AND FUNCTIONS58 State Information CommissionCOMPOSITIONTENURE AND SERVICE CONDITIONSPOWERS AND FUNCTIONSRTI AMENDMENT ACT, 201959 Central Vigilance CommissionESTABLISHMENTCOMPOSITIONORGANISATIONFUNCTIONSJURISDICTIONWORKINGVIGILANCE UNITS IN THE MINISTRIESWHISTLE BLOWERS PROTECTION ACT (2014)60 Central Bureau of InvestigationESTABLISHMENT OF CBIMOTTO, MISSION AND VISION OF CBIORGANISATION OF CBICOMPOSITION OF CBIFUNCTIONS OF CBIPROVISION OF PRIOR PERMISSIONCBI VS. STATE POLICECBI ACADEMY62 National Investigation AgencyESTABLISHMENT OF THE NIARATIONALE OF THE NIAFUNCTIONS OF THE NIAVISION OF THE NIAMISSION OF THE NIAJURISDICTION OF THE NIANIA (AMENDMENT) ACT, 201963 National Disaster Management AuthorityESTABLISHMENT OF THE NDMAOBJECTIVES OF THE NDMAFUNCTIONS OF THE NDMAADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS OF THE NDMASTATE DISASTER MANAGEMENT AUTHORITYFunctionsDISTRICT DISASTER MANAGEMENT AUTHORITYFunctionsPART-IX64. Co-operative SocietiesREASONS FOR THE 97TH AMENDMENT65 Official LanguageLANGUAGE OF THE UNIONREGIONAL LANGUAGESLANGUAGE OF THE JUDICIARY AND TEXTS OF LAWSSPECIAL DIRECTIVESProtection of Linguistic MinoritiesDevelopment of Hindi LanguageCOMMITTEE OF PARLIAMENT ON OFFICIAL LANGUAGE9CLASSICAL LANGUAGE STATUSBenefitsCriteria66 Public ServicesCLASSIFICATION OF SERVICESAll-India ServicesCentral ServicesState ServicesCONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS1. Recruitment and Service Conditions2. Tenure of Office3. Safeguards to Civil Servants4. All-India Services5. Other Provisions67 Rights and Liabilities of the GovernmentPROPERTY OF THE UNION AND THE STATES3. Sea-Wealth4. Compulsory Acquisition by Law5. Acquisition under Executive PowerSUITS BY OR AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT1. Liability for Contracts2. Liability for TortsSUITS AGAINST PUBLIC OFFICIALS2. Ministers3. Judicial Officers4. Civil Servants68 Special Provisions Relating to Certain ClassesRATIONALE OF SPECIAL PROVISIONSSPECIFICATION OF CLASSESCOMPONENTS OF SPECIAL PROVISIONSPART-X POLITICAL DYNAMICS69. Political PartiesMulti-Party SystemOne-Dominant Party SystemLack of Clear IdeologyPersonality CultBased on Traditional FactorsEmergence of Regional PartiesFactions and DefectionsLack of Effective OppositionRECOGNITION OF NATIONAL AND STATE PARTIESConditions for Recognition as a National PartyConditions for Recognition as a State Party70 Role of Regional PartiesFEATURES OF REGIONAL PARTIESCLASSIFICATION OF REGIONAL PARTIESRISE OF REGIONAL PARTIESROLE OF REGIONAL PARTIESDYSFUNCTIONS OF REGIONAL PARTIES71 ElectionsELECTORAL SYSTEMELECTION MACHINERYELECTION PROCESS772 Election LawsREPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE ACT, 1950REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE ACT, 1951DELIMITATION ACT, 2002OTHER ACTS RELATING TO ELECTIONSRULES RELATING TO ELECTIONSORDERS RELATING TO ELECTIONS73 Electoral ReformsCOMMITTEES RELATED TO ELECTORAL REFORMSELECTORAL REFORMS BEFORE 1996ELECTORAL REFORMS OF 1996ELECTORAL REFORMS AFTER 1996ELECTORAL REFORMS SINCE 201075 Coalition GovernmentMEANING OF COALITION GOVERNMENTFEATURES OF COALITION GOVERNMENTFORMATION OF COALITION GOVERNMENTSMERITS OF COALITION GOVERNMENTDEMERITS OF COALITION GOVERNMENT76 Anti-Defection LawPROVISIONS OF THE ACT1. Disqualification2. Exceptions3. Deciding Authority4. Rule-Making PowerEVALUATION OF THE ACTAdvantagesCriticism91ST AMENDMENT ACT (2003)Provisions77 Pressure GroupsMEANING AND TECHNIQUESPRESSURE GROUPS IN INDIA1. Business Groups2. Trade Unions3. Agrarian Groups4. Professional Associations5. Student Organisations6. Religious Organisations7. Caste Groups8. Tribal Organisations9. Linguistic Groups10. Ideology Based Groups11. Anomic Groups78 National IntegrationMEANING OF NATIONAL INTEGRATIONOBSTACLES TO NATIONAL INTEGRATION1. Regionalism2. Communalism3. Casteism4. LinguismNATIONAL INTEGRATION COUNCILNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR COMMUNAL HARMONY79 Foreign PolicyPRINCIPLES OF INDIAN FOREIGN POLICY2. Anti-Colonialism3. Anti-Racialism4. Non-Alignment5. Panchsheel6. Afro-Asian Bias7. Links with Commonwealth8. Support to the UNO9. DisarmamentOBJECTIVES OF INDIAN FOREIGN POLICYGUJRAL DOCTRINE OF INDIANUCLEAR DOCTRINE OF INDIACONNECT CENTRAL ASIA POLICY OF INDIAACT EAST POLICY OF INDIAPART-XI80. National Commission to Review the Working of the ConstitutionII. FIFTY YEARS OF WORKING OF THE CONSTITUTION1. Political Accomplishments2. Economic Infrastructure-Impressive Performance3. Social Infrastructure- Achievements4. Political Failures5. Economic Failures6. Social Failures7. Administrative Failures8. Gender Justice and Equality- Failures9. Judicial System-FailuresIII. AREAS OF CONCERN: COMMISSION’S PERCEPTIONIV. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMISSION1. On Fundamental Rights2. On Right to Property3. On Directive Principles4. On Fundamental Duties5. On Parliament and State Legislatures6. On Executive and Administration7. On Centre-State and Inter-State Relations8. On Judiciary9. On Pace of Socio-Economic Change and Development10. On Decentralisation (Panchayats and Municipalities)11. On Institutions in North East India12. On Electoral Processes13. On Political Parties14. On Anti-Defection LawV. EARLIER EFFORTS TO REVIEW THE CONSTITUTIONAPPENDICESI: Articles of the Constitution (1-395)FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTSDIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES OF STATE POLICYFUNDAMENTAI DUTIESPRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENTUNION MINISTERS AND ATTORNEY GENERALPARLIAMENTSUPREME COURTCOMPTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL OF INDIAGOVERNORSTATE LEGISIATUREHIGH COURTSSUBORDINATE COURTSSTATES IN PART B OF THE FIRST SCHEDUIE (REPEAIED)UNION TERRITORIESPANCHAYATSMUNICIPALITIESCO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIESSCHEDULED AND TRIBAL AREASCENTRE-STATE LEGISLATIVE RELATIONSCENTRE-STATE ADMINISTRATIVE RELATIONSCENTRE-STATE FINANCIAL RELATIONSRIGHT TO PROPERTYTRADE, COMMERCE AND INTERCOURSERIGHTS AND LIABILITIES OF THE GOVERNMENTPUBLIC SERVICESPUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONSTRIBUNALSELECTIONSSPECIAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO CERTAIN CLASSESOFFICIAL LANGUAGEEMERGENCY PROVISIONSMISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONSAMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTIONTEMPORARY, TRANSITIONAL AND SPECIAL PROVISIONSSHORT TITLE, COMMENCEMENT, ETC.Appendix II Subjects of Union, State and Concurrent ListsUNION LIST (LIST-I)STATE LIST (LIST-II)CQNCURRENT LIST (LIST-M)Appendix III Table of PrecedenceAppendix IV Constitutional Amendments at a GlanceAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAmendment Number and YearAmendment Number and YearAmended Provisions of the ConstitutionAppendix V Presidents, Vice- Presidents, Prime Ministers, etc.A. PRESIDENTS OF INDIAG. CHIEF ELECTION COMMISSIONERS OF INDIA Name TenureH. CHAIRMEN OF THE UPSC Name TenureI. COMPTROLLER AND AUDITORGENERALS OF INDIAAppendix VI Chairpersons of the National CommissionsA. NATIONAI HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION2011 TEST PAPER2012 TEST PAPER2013 TEST PAPER2014 TEST PAPER2015 TEST PAPER2016 TEST PAPER2017 TEST PAPER2018 TEST PAPER2019 TEST PAPERAnswers2011 TEST PAPER2012 TEST PAPER2013 TEST PAPER2014 TEST PAPER2015 TEST PAPER2016 TEST PAPER2017 TEST PAPER2018 TEST PAPER2019 TEST PAPERAppendix IX UPSC Questions on Indian Polity (General Studies— Mains 2010- 2019)2010 TEST PAPER2011 TEST PAPER2012 TEST PAPER2013 TEST PAPER2014 TEST PAPER2015 TEST PAPER2016 TEST PAPER2017 TEST PAPER2018 TEST PAPER2019 TEST PAPERAppendix X Practice Questions on Indian Polity (General Studies—Mains)I. LONG ANSWER QUESTIONSII. SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONSIII. VERY SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS