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The CPA is an association of about 17000 Commonwealth Parliamentarians spread over 175 National, State, Provincial and Territorial Parliaments. Its aims are to promote knowledge and understanding of the constitutional, legislative, economic, social and cultural systems within a parliamentary democratic framework with particular reference to the countries of the Commonwealth of Nations and to countries having close historical and parliamentary associations with it. Its mission is to promote the advancement of parliamentary democracy by enhancing knowledge and understanding of democratic governance and by building an informed parliamentary community able to deepen the Commonwealth’s democratic commitment and to further co- operation among its parliaments and legislatures.

The main advantages of membership of the Group, insofar as its functions as the main branch of the CPA in India are concerned, are as follows:

1. Conferences and Seminars: Membership provides an opportunity for participation in the plenary and regional conferences, seminars, visits and exchanges of delegations.

2. Publications: All members of the Group are entitled to receive, free of charge, 'The Parliamentarian’ quarterly and the newsletter, 'First Reading’, every second month.9

3. Information: The Parliamentary Information and Reference Centre of the CPA Secretariat provides information to members on parliamentary, constitutional and Commonwealth matters.

4. Introductions: The CPA branches readily assist in arranging introductions for members visiting other jurisdictions.

5. Parliamentary Facilities: Members visiting other Commonwealth countries are normally accorded parliamentary courtesies, especially access to debates and local members.

6. Travel Facilities: Some branches provide for a designated number of their members annually to undertake study tours

of Commonwealth and other countries to compare political and procedural developments. Other branches arrange ad hoc visits.