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1. On Fundamental Rights

1. The scope of prohibition against discrimination (under Articles 15 and 16) should be extended to include 'ethnic or social origin, political or other opinion, property or birth’.

2. The freedom of speech and expression (under Article 19) should be expanded to include explicitly 'the freedom of the press and other media, the freedom to hold opinions and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas’.

3. The following should be added as new Fundamental Rights:

(a) Right against torture, cruelty and inhuman treatment or punishment.

(b) Right to compensation if a person is illegally deprived of his right to life or liberty.

(c) Right to leave and to return to India.

(d) Right to privacy and family life.

(e) Right to rural wage employment for a minimum of 80 days in a year.

(f) Right to access to courts and tribunals and speedy justice.

(g) Right to equal justice and free legal aid8 .

(h) Right to care and assistance and protection (in case of children).

(i) Right to safe drinking water, prevention of pollution, conservation of ecology and sustainable development.

4. The right to education (under Article 21-A) should be enlarged to read as: 'Every child shall have the right to free education until he completes the age of fourteen years; and

in the case of girls and members of the SCs and STs until they complete the age of eighteen years’.

5. Two changes should be made with respect to preventive detention (under Article 22), namely, (i) the maximum period of preventive detention should be six months; and (ii) the advisory board should consist of a chairman and two other members and they should be serving judges of any high court.

6. Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism should be treated as religions separate from Hinduism and the provisions grouping them together (under Article 25) should be deleted. At present, the word 'Hindu’ is defined to include these religions also.

7. The protection from judicial review afforded by Article 31-B to the Acts and Regulations specified in the Ninth Schedule should be restricted to only those which relate to (i) agrarian reforms, (ii) reservations, and (iii) the implementation of Directive Principles specified in clause (b) or (c) of Article 39.

8. No suspension of the enforcement of the Fundamental Rights under Articles 17, 23, 24, 25 and 32 in addition to those under Articles 20 and 21 during the operation of a national emergency (under Article 352).